Your Choice

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Netflix was on pause. Dean's beautiful green eyes caught staring up, frozen in the moment. But that's not what had your attention. It was the news on your phone that had your heart in your throat, tears spilling down your cheeks.

You had just received the news that Supernatural was ending. Season 15 was it. After that the show that had given you so much would be nothing more than reruns. A wonderful memory to hopefully give you comfort.

The video had been so hard to watch. Seeing the emotions crossing their faces, hearing the words you had dreaded so much. Tears had slipped down your cheek, your entire chest full of pain. You almost didn't believe it, wondering if it was some cruel pre-April fools trick. But the looks on their faces confirmed the news, and you knew they wouldn't be that mean.

Sure, they had given you a year to accept the news. To try to come with grips that soon there would be no new episodes to look forward to. No behind the scenes pictures to giggle and speculate at.

You didn't hate them for it. You accepted the fact that they wanted to be with their families. That enough was enough. But you could only sit and wonder what it meant for you. Supernatural had been one of the few things that had kept you going. The promise of a new episode was one of the few things you had actually looked forward to.

It scared you. Wondering how you were going to go on after the show was done. Knowing that most people would think it was ridiculous that you relied so heavily on just a show. But Supernatural was not just a show.

Sure, you'd have some of the friends you've made, the stories you wrote or read. But it wouldn't be the same. And you were scared you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Using the back of your hand, you wiped the tears from your face, reaching over to grab the forgotten remote. Needing to turn on Supernatural, to hear Sam and Dean's voice. To get the comfort they always provided you.

But the picture had faded away. Dean's face no longer filled your TV screen. It seemed like an omen from the future, and it scared you. Your finger hovering above the power button, you froze when the black screen turned to gold.

Your entire room seemed to hum, every hair on your body standing on end. The light emitting from your TV grew brighter and brighter before a large popping sound shook your window.

Wishing you had some salt or iron, you slid off your bed, holding your remote as a weapon as two figures appeared in front of your TV. Their silhouettes seemed familiar, even though you couldn't see any features.

Ready to make a run for it, you froze when one of them said your name in a voice you had heard a thousand times before. But it couldn't be, could it?"

"Dean?" You whispered, reaching over and turning on your lamp before glancing back. Both Sam and Dean stood in front of your TV, watching you closely. Dean was wearing that red and blue plaid you loved so much, while Sam had a new gray and black flannel you had never seen before. "How are you..."

"Here?" Dean finished for you. "We're not sure. But we heard your name, and that you needed us."

"I must be dreaming," you mumbled to yourself. "Or this is some horrible trick of my brain. You can't be here. I can't be...,"

Dean moved the short distance towards you, taking your hands in his callused ones. They were warm, and a little softer than you had imagined. And felt oh so real. Your heart racing, you stared up into his mossy green eyes, eyes that had just been on your TV. "Sweetheart, this is not a dream."

"But what are you guys doing here?" You asked as Sam came to stand behind his brother.

"We heard about you and thought you might like to join us. In our world. You could go hunting with us. Or if that's not your cup of tea, you could research. Whatever you want. We don't want to pull you away from your life here, but...,"

Your mind was already whirling. There really wasn't anything holding you here. No loved ones to really miss you if you went. No love of your life, or job that you lived for. Nothing, not really. "I want to go," you exclaimed, and it seemed like it caught them by surprise.

"Listen sweetheart, we came because we thought you might need us," Dean said, making sure you were paying attention to every word. "But our life? It's not all glamorous. We hunt, we get hurt. We're messy, and constantly under threat. If you come, all of that will pertain to you as well. There's no turning back. No wishing you could come back to this life."

With Dean's hands still holding yours, you thought hard. Sure, you really didn't have much that would miss you, but it was a big choice. One that you couldn't take lightly. Taking a deep breath, you squeezed Dean's hands. "I've made my decision. And I'm going to.......,"

You get to decide! Do you stay, or do you go?? 

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