Little Family

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Sam x Reader

Warmth surrounded you. From the heavy flannel blanket covering you from the waist down, to the strong arm wrapped securely around your belly. Sam had his face snuggled in the crook of your neck, his hair tickling your nose. The blanket was unneeded, with Sam's long body mostly covering you, his heat radiating.

Wanting to snuggle back into his embrace and fall asleep, you had just closed your eyes when you heard the subtle creak of the door opening.

Slightly lifting your head, you saw Jess sneak her head around the door. Her blonde tousled hair barely reaching the handle. Her blue eyes stared up at you, checking to see if you, or her Dad were awake.

Only 4 now, you knew she would be a beauty. It was easy to see her Mom in her, from the few pictures Sam had hidden away.

Sure, she wasn't yours. Not biologically, but that didn't matter. You loved her like your own.

"Mom? Dad? Are you awake?" She whispered, coming to the side of the bed. Sam, not normally a deep sleeper, snored in response, and she giggled softly.

"Get up here," you told her softly, lifting your free arm up. She didnt need to be told twice, jumping up on the bed, snuggling up to you. "Why are you up so early?"

"Its not early," she argued, pouting her bottom lip. "Its almost eight."

"Your Dad and I slept in for once," you yawned. "Any chance you want to sleep a little longer?"

You could just make out the freckles splayed across her nose and cheeks, the golden specks in her blue eyes. "I'm not sleepy. Besides, I wanted to ask Daddy something."

Glancing down at Sam, you could see that wasn't going to happen. His pert mouth hanging open slightly, snoring every now and then. His hand held tight to your side, like he was afraid you were going to leave.

"Sweetie, you might have to wait a while for that." Glancing down, you noticed something clutched in her tiny little hand.

"I found this," she whispered, holding the crumpled paper up in her hand. Reaching for it, you noticed it was a faded photograph. "Is that my Mommy?"

Her little words tugged at your heart. She had only been a month old when Jess had been killed. She had never really known her Mom, and you had come back into Sam's life six months after, being there for Sam when he needed it the most. 5 years later, you were the only Mom she had ever known.

"Yeah sweetie, it is. You look a lot like her."

She stared down at the picture, running her tiny little finger across her Moms laughing face. "Daddy doesn't talk about her. Was she nice?"

Glancing at Sam, wishing he would wake up and take over this conversation, you sighed. "Jess, I never really knew your Mom. Your Dad has talked about her to me. How she had these bright, beautiful eyes that sparkled with laughter. How she could always see the good in everything, her heart almost too big."

"You have that heart," Sam muttered, sitting up as he slowly tried to wake. "Not only do you have her name, but you look like her. You're just as sweet, just as kind. A beautiful soul."

Reaching over you, he plucked Jess from your arms, cuddling her against his chest. "I'm sorry I haven't talked about her. You hadn't asked before, and I just never thought..."

Leaning over, you pressed your lips to his cheek before sliding down out of bed. A cup of coffee would be needed after this conversation, giving Sam some alone time with his daughter.

Waiting for the coffee to percolate, you placed your hand gently on your swollen belly. Seven months along, and you were more than ready for your son to be born. Jess was so excited, and you had a feeling your pregnancy was part of the reason for the conversation this morning.

Lost in thought, you didnt realize that Sam had joined you in the kitchen until his arms were wrapped around you. "I'm sorry about that," he whispered, his mouth brushing against your neck.

"What for?" You asked, leaning back into his embrace.

Sighing he stepped back, turning you around to face him. "For that conversation. It can't be easy for you. Hearing about my relationship with Jess."

"It doesn't matter what I think," you argued. "Jess has a right to know about her Mom. She needs to know, and there will be more conversations. Its only natural after her Mom died when she was so young."

You didnt realize your hand was still pressed possesively against your belly. Your unspoken fear coming through in the gesture. "Oh Y/N," he sighed, pulling you into his arms. "I never even imagined...but I should have. With this life, of course its..."

Tears welled up in your eyes. "I just don't want anything to happen to either of us. I dont want Jess to go through that again. And I dont want it to happen to Bobby either."

"Bobby huh?" Sam smiled. "You've decide on that name then?"

"Yes. Its only fitting," you said. "But Sam,"

"Dont let this fear take control. We will be around for both of our children. I promise. Even if I have to storm through heaven or hell, we will be here for them as they grow up."

"I sure hope you're right. Because my happy place is with this little family we've made. And as much as I wish Jess knew her Mom, I'm grateful that little girl is in my life."

"Just her?" Sam teased, his eyes twinkly.

"I can think of someone else too," you replied, letting him pull you in for a long, languid kiss.

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