A Sacrifice and a Broken Heart

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Dean x Reader

"Y/N, get out of here now!" Dean yelled at you, never looking over his shoulder as he battled one vicious monster after another.

"Dean, I can't leave you here alone! We just need to hold on until Sam shows up with backup!" You yelled back, slicing at another Vampire, cleaving his head straight off, not breaking stride. Turning to face the three other vampires coming at you, you took in a deep breath.

This nest was huge, bigger than anything you had ever fought before. They were coming out of the woodworks, up the stairs, down from the rafters. It seemed like you were always fighting at least three at all times, and Dean was the same way.

You were exhausted, your arms heavy from swinging the heavy machete back and forth, but you couldn't stop. Even when your arms felt like jello, you had to keep going. Keep fighting. Help was on the way, you just had to keep moving, keep killing, until it came.

"Y/N, there's too many," Dean argued, slicing off a vamp's head, before kicking another one in the stomach as it tried to land it's fangs into his neck. "I just need you out of here, where I know you'll be safe."

"Not gonna happen," you insisted, slowly moving your way towards him, stepping over the headless bodies, slicing another vampire's head clean off. You were completely covered in blood, cuts covering your skin.

"Damn it Y/N," he muttered, but you could hear pride in his voice.

Soon only grunts and screams were heard in the large barn as you continued to fight. At one point a Vampire sunk his teeth into your arm, ripping a scream from your lips. "Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, his attention turning from the Vampire he was fighting, trying to make sure you were safe.

"You son of a bitch," you grunted through clenched teeth. Wincing, you pulled your arm from his mouth before swinging the machete with the other hand, killing him instantly. "I'm okay," you told Dean. Your arm hung limply at your side, blood dripping down your fingertips, and you knew you would no longer be able to swing two handed.

"Y/N, please, just go!" Dean tried once again, but you glanced over to see that he had somehow gotten himself cornered, four vampires showing off their fangs as they came closer. "Leave me!"

"Hell no!" You argued, moving your way towards him, killing off a couple more vampires as you went. It seemed like the entire floor was littered with dead bodies, yet they still came. Intent on killing you. There were fouring cornering Dean, and at least three were trailing you, trying to get past the deadly machete held tightly in your grasp.

"Come on boys, this cat and mouse game is getting old," you muttered, holding the machete up, your arm trembling with exhaustion. You knew you couldn't fight much longer, but you had to keep trying.

With a snarl one lept towards you, almost knocking you to the ground. As you sidestepped him, you swung your machete one handed, cleaving through his neck. The other two charged you and you took both of their heads off in a single swipe.

Breathing harshly, you rushed towards Dean, your heart in your throat when you saw his machete on the ground, only one of the four vampires dead. He was fighting them as well as he could, swinging his fists, throwing the vamps to the ground. But they just kept coming back, and he was just as exhausted as you were. "Dean!" You screamed, launching yourself into the fighting circle, trying to reach for the machete when you noticed a vamp behind him, heading straight for his neck. "No!"

Instead of going for the machete like you had planned, you pushed Dean towards it, taking the brunt as the Vampire launched himself at you. Teeth shredded into your neck, teeth meant to kill Dean. An inhuman wail echoed across the rafter, and in a daze you realized it was coming from you. As the Vampire ripped into your neck, the two of you fell to the ground.

"Damn it!" Dean muttered, pulling the vampire from you, killing him and the other two in a surge of adrenaline, before dropping to his knees beside you, glancing in horror at the wreckage of your neck. "Y/N, why didn't you listen to me?" He cried, taking off his flannel shirt and pressing it against the heavily bleeding wound.

The pain was excructiating, a warm deep throb surrounding the bite as blood poured out. "I couldn't leave you to fight off all of these. Remember, we're a team," You stuttered, the words harder to say than you expected.

"Let's get you back to the bunker, and taken care of," he told you, gently picking you up in his arms. "I just wish Cas wasn't MIA."

Letting him carry you through the building, you clung tightly to him, knowing this would probably be the last time you felt this. Felt his arms around you, his heart beating underneath your cheek. You tried not to let it bother you, after all, you were a hunter. Death was always waiting in the horizon, and you were surprised you had lived this long.

But even as you felt Death's shadow, you knew you didn't want to die. Sure, you had willingly sacrificed yourself so Dean could live, but you weren't ready to leave him behind. You loved him, and you needed more time with him. More mornings waking up in his arms, his breath tickling your skin as he held you tight. You wanted more evenings spent beside him in the Impala, driving nowhere, just spending time together.

But as Dean brought you out into the evening light, fear set in as you realized you could no longer feel much of your body. Your legs hung limp from his grasp, your lower body completely numb. Tears were slipping down your cheek, and you could see Dean's jaw clench as he glanced down at you.

"We'll get this figured out," he tried promising you. "We always do."

Your fingertips numb, you reached up, needing to feel his skin underneath yours. "Dean, love you," you stuttered, blood staining your lips. Carefully, he slipped you onto the seat of the Impala, climbing into the driver's seat, leaving that horrid place behind.

"We're on our way. You just need to hang on," he kept telling you over and over, as you stared up, seeing the sun set behind him, your entire body shivering.

Knowing that soon you would take your last breath, you slowly, painfully, moved your hand towards his, letting him link his fingers with yours as you watched the dusk turn to night, stars shining brightly, letting you know it was okay. You were in your favorite spot with Dean, and while he would be heartbroken, shattered for quite some time, you had done what had needed to be done. You had saved the man you had loved, and you were okay with that.

So when it was time for your Reaper to come, you went peacefully, staring down for a moment at the heartbreak unfolding beneath you, wishing you could let him know it would be okay. That he could move on from this.

Tears poured down his face when your fingers slid from his and he realized you were no longer beside him. Pulling the Impala over, he placed shaky fingers on your neck, letting out a moan when he was given proof that you were gone. "No," he cried, wanting to pull you into his arms.

Glancing up at the Reaper, you pleaded with her. "Can I please have one minute with him?"

"I'm sorry, but it's just not done. But I know Dean Winchester. He will find a way to get past this. He will be heartbroken, but Y/N, you did the right thing."

Torn between wanting to stay, and needing to go, you reached down, ignoring the Reaper's remark, placing your hand upon his cheek. He leaned into the touch, as you whispered into his ear. "Dean, I'm at peace. Please don't mourn too long."

Before you could see his response, the Reaper grasped your hand, pulling you away from your lifeless body and heartbroken husband to what awaited you in the beyond. 

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