Just a Shopping Trip

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Striding down the hallway of the mall, you couldn't help but smile. In your hands, you carried a couple of shopping bags, a surprise for both you and Dean.

Your anti-possession bracelet dangled on your wrist, looking pretty in the light but offering you protection as well. Dean had wanted you to get the tattoo but turns out you were allergic to the ink.

It was about time to head home, get ready to surprise Dean when he came home from visiting Jody. Dinner was already in the oven, you had just made a quick trip for the last few touches.

Rounding the corner you saw the lights flicker, something brushing against your wrist before your bracelet snapped off, falling to the ground.

"Shit," you muttered, reaching down to pick it up when a force slammed into you, quickly taking over.

"Get out! You screamed as it crowded in, pushing you back into a tiny little cage. Laughing gleefully, it snapped the door shut, its eyes a dark onyx as it stared at you.

"This is going to be so much fun," it told you gleefully before stepping away to take charge of your body.

Stuck in the little cage no bigger than a dog kennel, you banged on the steel, your hands quickly getting bruised and bloody.

The Demon ignored you, moving your body awkwardly forward, running into a wall.

From your spot locked away in your mind, you could see a couple of teenage girls staring at you curiously. "I haven't possessed anything for a while," the Demon exclaimed, sending them scurrying forward.

The Demon caught sight of a mirror, moving you forward, running your hands along your side before cupping your breasts. "I couldn't have picked a more beautiful meat suit. I can't wait to tear it apart."

You were screaming by then, your throat raw, but you didn't care. You were trying to find a way out, a way to remove the Demon before he did something you couldn't live with.

Whistling, the Demon forced your body to move, your limbs shaky and stiff. In only a couple of minutes you were at the outside door, the two young girls barely in front of you.

Smiling over at them, the Demon shoved them into the alleyway, their heels catching on the rough pavement, knocking them to the ground. They screamed, their eyes wide as they stared up at you in horror.

The glee the Demon was feeling radiated inside you as you screamed louder than the girls, hoping to break free from his grasp. "Don't you dare do anything," you threatened, but you were nothing more than an annoying fly in the Demons ear.

Only minutes later you were standing at the side or your car, sticky with blood. It dripped down your arms, pooling into the bags you still carried.

It had already started congealing on your face, looking more like freckles.

"That was fun," the Demon exclaimed, sliding into your car just as your phone buzzed in your pocket. Reaching down, you held the phone in your hand, your movements out of your control. "Dean? Is this the infamous Dean Winchester texting you? My, I've gotten extremely lucky haven't I?"

From your cage inside your mind, you could read the text, your blood running cold. Dean was on his way home. The had texted telling you he would be another hour out. "Don't you dare...," you started to threaten but the Demon easily cut you off.

"Oh but I do dare," he taunted. "I'm in control now, and I'm going to ruin your life."

With those parting words, he started your car, turning towards the bunker, following your memories.

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