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It had been a splurge. A last-minute buy at the local Target that you couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty for. But it was the Holiday season, and you had promised yourself as normal a Christmas as possible this year.

Taking all of your shopping bags into your room at the Bunker, you dropped them on the bed, pulling the plastic box out of the bags. Lifting it up, you stared at the little man inside, wondering what exactly the appeal was. So many people had said you couldn't have Christmas without one of those Elf on the Shelf figurines, but you still hadn't figured out why.

Reading the back of the box, you realized it was more for children than adults. But that didn't matter now. You had already bought the thing, and you were going to have fun with it.

"Y/N, are you back?" Dean called out, and you quickly pushed the box with the creepy doll under the bags just as he stepped into the room. "Thought I heard the door a minute ago. Did you buy out the whole store?"

"No." Reaching into one of the bags, you pulled out the pack of candy you had picked up just for him. "Gotcha this."

He stared at the candy in amazement before pulling you in for a kiss. "You are seriously the best," he exclaimed before popping one of the chocolates into his mouth. Happy, he went on his way while you came up with a plan for the Elf.

That night when Dean finally made his way to bed, you took the Elf out of his container, looking for the perfect place for his first night. There were so many places to choose from, but finally, you placed him beside the coffee pot, sitting in one of the coffee mugs. Wondering what was going to happen tomorrow, you slid into bed beside Dean, smiling contentedly when he sleepily pulled you against him.

Your deep sleep was disturbed early in the morning when Sam's deep voice came yelling from the Kitchen. "What the hell is this?" Echoed through the hallway. Sitting straight up in bed, you watched as Dean bounded out of bed, his gun in his hands. Within an instant he was gone from the room, as you struggled to catch up, yawning widely.

Rounding the corner of the kitchen, you saw Sam staring towards the coffee maker, his head cocked to his side. "Y/N, please tell me you are playing a prank on us."

"What the hell is that?" Dean grumbled, lowering his gun as he stared at the tiny little elf in festive red clothing.

"It's the Elf on the Shelf!" You announced proudly. "I told you I wanted to do a normal Christmas this year. And apparently, this is part of the deal."

"If he's an Elf on the Shelf, why is he in a mug?" Sam asked, reaching out to touch him, but you quickly stopped him.

"No! You can't touch him. That will ruin the magic. At least that's what the box says," you quickly explained. "Each night he changes spots, and you get to find him."

Rolling his eyes, Dean went to the fridge, pulling out bacon and eggs. "You meant that you move him and we get to find the freaky thing every morning. Maybe even before I've had my coffee. Yeah, that sounds great."

"Come on, it could be fun," you pleaded with him. "At least try it?"

"Fine," Both Sam and Dean sighed. "But I can't make any promises that he won't make it into the fireplace."

"Fair enough," you agreed, sitting down at the bar, watching as Dean made you breakfast.

The first few days went smoothly with the Elf. You decided on the name Jingle for the Elf. And every night as Dean fell asleep, you slid out of bed and moved the little Elf to a new location in the Bunker. One morning Dean had found him in the shower, holding on to a brand new bottle of his favorite body wash. Another morning, the Elf was hanging from the Telescope.

You were having fun with the Elf, but Sam and Dean still weren't so sure about him. It made sense, with what they did for a living, but you had hoped that by now they would have gotten used to him.

One evening, you climbed out of bed, Dean softly snoring as you made your way out of your bedroom. You had last placed the Elf in the Library, sitting on one of the Wooden chairs. As you reached down in the dark to move him, your hand came up empty. "What the...," you mumbled, turning on the lamp. The chair was empty, as was the rest of the chairs at that table. And the other table as well.

"Very funny Dean," you muttered. Turning the main light on, you began searching the room for Jingles, coming up empty. Sighing, you shut the light off, heading back into your room, giving up for the night.

The next morning you were up before Dean. Meeting Sam in the Library, the two of you walked together towards the Kitchen when you glanced up. Hanging from the high ceiling was the Elf, wrapped up in ribbon. "Sam, did you do that?" You asked, pointing up to the ceiling. As you expected, he shook his head no. "How the hell did Dean move it all the way up there?" You asked, trying to figure out the logistics.

"That wasn't me," Dean announced, yawning as he tied the sash of his nightgown. "Told you that elf was freaking creepy."

"Then if you two didn't, and I didn't, what the...," you started to mutter when it fell to the floor with a thud. Jumping back against Dean's chest, you cautiously watched the stuffed doll.

"I can burn it," Dean suggested, his hands rubbing your shoulders. "It would be my pleasure."

While seriously contemplating his offer, the Elf moved again, his gangly legs bouncing as it awkwardly moved towards you. "I knew it was a bad idea bringing one in here," Dean grumbled, reaching under the table for his gun. Aiming it at the Elf, he released the safety.

Suddenly the Elf fell to the floor, a familiar laugh echoing through the Bunker.

"Wait," you held up your hand, stopping Dean from shooting the helpless doll. "I think I have an idea what's going on. Kevin?"

Kevin laughed again, appearing beside Jingle. "You just took all of my fun away," he grumbled, but he couldn't keep the smile from his face.

"Kevin!" Dean exclaimed. "Thought you had taken off on us."

Your friend turned ghost shook his head. "Nah, I've just been reserving my energy. But when Y/N brought the Elf into the Bunker, I knew I needed to have some fun with it."

Dean actually seemed a little disappointed that there was no need for him to burn or shoot the Elf.

Reaching down, you picked up the Elf, sitting it on the table beside Kevin. "Well, if you want, you could keep moving him around. Make it a lot more interesting than when I moved him. As long as it doesn't take too much of your energy."


You nodded while Dean just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it will be fun."

Kevin vanished as did Jingle the Elf. Dean sighed. "I really hope that doesn't turn out to be a mistake."

"How bad can it be?" Sam asked as the three of you continued on towards the kitchen, all three of you quiet as you wondered exactly what a ghost could do with an Elf on the Shelf. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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