In His Eyes

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It had to be the most cliche Christmas present there was. And you truly hated buying it. But Dean was so hard to shop for, and you were running out of time. Taking the black and red shopping bag, you shoved it under your coat, ignoring the rolling eyes of the cashier. Heading out of the store, you rounded the corner at just the same time as Dean.

"Great timing," he exclaimed, holding up his hands full of shopping bags. "I just finished. How about you?"

You nodded, and he looked at the two packages in your hands. "That's all?"

"I ordered more online," you hedged. "Can we go?" The package inside your coat was driving you crazy.

"Sure," he agreed, studying you, knowing you well enough to know when things weren't adding up. "Stop for some hot chocolate?"


As soon as you arrived back at the bunker, you left Dean at the map table, heading straight for your room, ready to dump the package deep where Dean wouldn't find it. "Y/N?" He called out, stopping you before you could toss the burning package out of your way.

"Yeah, Dean?" You didn't even turn around.

You heard the thud of his bags hitting the table before he turned you to face him. "You okay?"

Nodding, you gave him a reassuring smile. "Just tired."

His hands rubbed your hips, coming close to brushing the bag under your coat as he tugged you closer. "Why don't you go rest for a little. I'll make my famous stew, and then we can watch whatever Christmas movie you would like. Sound good?"

"Sounds great." Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you pulled from his grasp, rushing down the hallway and stepping into your room. Shutting the door, you pulled the slinky bag from underneath your coat, tossing it on your bed like it was on fire. Staring down at it, you wondered what on Earth had made you decide to buy it. Your heart hammering, you pulled the silky material out of the bag, laying it out on the bed. The bodice of the lingerie was silky red, topped with fluffy white trim. A wide black satin sash split the bodice from the lacey red torso that showed way too much skin. It barely skimmed your thighs, with a silky red thong underneath. Red thigh high stockings and a hat matched the outfit. It was sexy but seemed stupid at the same time, and you weren't sure you could even force yourself to wear it tomorrow night. You'd probably look hideous, and Dean would laugh. Mad at yourself for even buying the thing, you shoved it into your dresser before Dean called out that dinner was ready.

Dean gave you the perfect evening. His stew was amazing, and you settled into the crook of his arms to have a movie marathon. Pasting a smile on your face, you pretended to have the time of your life, but the lingerie set in your room kept haunting you. Dean kept glancing down at you, brushing his hand up and down your arm. "Sure you're okay?" He asked once again. "You've been awfully quiet. You're never this quiet during Home Alone."

"Yeah, I'm fine," you assured him again. "Shopping always makes me tired."

He pressed a kiss to your forehead before you stood up and headed to bed for the night.

Almost twenty-four hours later you were locked back up in your room, staring once again at the lingerie set. Today had been perfect so far. You had finished wrapping all of your presents, placing them under the small tree you and Dean had picked out earlier. The rest of the day you spent with Dean. Baking pies, going and looking at Christmas lights. Just spending time together. It had been absolutely perfect. But now, it was time for your present to him, and you hadn't had enough whiskey in your eggnog to bolster your courage.

"Okay, I can do this," you whispered to yourself. Reaching into your nightstand, you took out your emergency flask, taking another shot of courage. "He'll love it."

Before you could change your mind, your flannel went flying over your head, your jeans landing with a puddle on the floor. Your bra and underwear quickly joined them as you tugged on the tight babydoll. It cupped your breasts perfectly, giving you an extra push. The thong came on next, and you tugged on it until it settled perfectly under the lace. The stockings were a pain to roll up your legs, but soon they covered your calves. The hat was the last part of the outfit, tilted to the side to showcase your carefully curled hair. Your heart was racing as you ran your hands along your sides, the lace material different against your skin.

Tossing your old clothes into the dirty hamper, you turned just as the door opened. "Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to watch another...Holy shit," he muttered, his eyes growing wide as he took in your outfit.

Immediately the blood crept to your cheeks, as you fought against covering yourself up. You were too exposed for your liking. "This is...uh," you stuttered.

"Freaking hot as hell?" He exclaimed, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. "I've never thought a Santa outfit would look so good on anyone. But I was wrong. Very wrong."

Your fingers toyed with the lace hem of the babydoll. "Actually I'm Santa's Helper. He decided you've been good this year, and you deserved whatever you wanted."

He stepped forward, his eyes traveling up and down, and all of your fear and insecurities faded away. Dean always made you feel better about yourself, and in his eyes, you felt pretty. His hand brushed against the silk of your bodice. "You. Santa has to know the only thing I've ever wanted is you."

With those words, he took your Santa hat off, tossing it to the side before pushing you gently down onto the bed. 

Confetti it's a Parade Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant