Popping For Some Fun

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It was one of those days. Even though the sun was shining outside, you felt as if stormy clouds and rain followed you everywhere you went. It hit you like a bag of bricks as soon as you woke up in the morning, and you wanted nothing more than to roll over and sleep the day away.

But you knew that was impossible. Both of your brothers were no doubt up and starting research. If you didn't join them soon, one or the either would no doubt be knocking on your door, reminding you of another ghoulish monster they needed to kill. There never seems enough time for yourself, and it was beginning to fray at your nerves.

After forcing yourself out of bed, you stumbled your way into the kitchen. Only your brother Sam sat there, his bowl of cereal untouched as he stared at the book in front of him. Ignoring him, you opened the fridge door, staring at the meager contents inside. "Ugh, we don't have anything."

"Why don't you go to the store?" Sam called out, never looking away from his book.

"Why don't you?" You muttered, taking the bowl of cereal from him, staring down in disdain at the soggy cereal. Tossing it back down on the table, you picked up his toast, grumbling as you turned to leave the kitchen.

"Y/N everything okay?" Sam called out.

"Great, just great," You called over your shoulder, sighing as you went back to your bedroom. You weren't mad at him, truth be told, you weren't exactly mad at anyone. You were just tired, and wanted time for yourself.

You were almost back in the safety of your room when Dean caught up with you. He smelled of motor oil and grease, his cheek smeared. A part of you wanted to dive straight into his arms and the comfort they always provided you. But you didn't want to worry him, not with everything else going on.

"There's my favorite brat!" He exclaimed, reaching forward to ruffle your hair, but you stepped back, away from his blackened hands. He frowned, tucking his hands in his pockets instead.

"Dean, just leave me alone," you muttered, stepping in your room and shutting the door. You know you probably did nothing but confused and hurt him, but you couldn't help it. You wanted your silence, the quiet comfort being alone gave you. Even if it did hurt at the same time.

Finishing off your toast, you sat with your back against your headboard, drawing your legs up tight. Resting your chin on your knees, you stared at the picture across from you. It was of happier times, when you hadn't known about any of this. Sam and Dean weren't in your life. In fact, you hadn't even known you had brothers until that stupid ghoul had killed the only family you had known.

And sometimes, no matter how much you loved having Sam and Dean in your life, you wished you could go back. Life had been so uncomplicated back then. So perfectly...normal.

"Y/N, open up!" Dean called out, banging on the door. He didn't sound mad, or grumpy. Maybe concerned, which was almost worse.

"Dean, I'm fine. Just wanting some time alone," you tried telling him, but before the last word left your lips Dean was opening the door and barging in.

"Yeah, you want time and quiet and blah, blah, blah. But Sammy and I? We need your help with something."

"Do you really?"

"Of course!" He exclaimed, reaching over and grabbing your hand. When you didn't budge, he leaned down, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder. "Dean!" You exclaimed, but he refused to put you down. Carrying you down the hallway, he just chuckled as you struggled.

"Dean, why are you carrying her?" Sam asked as Dean rounded the corner. Sam was setting something up at the library table, but you only caught a glimpse of it while being carried upside down.

"She didn't want to come," Dean answered, as if it was the most simplest answer ever.

Sighing, Sam smiled encouragingly at you when Dean plopped you down on a chair. "Dean, we're not trying to annoy her even more. We're trying to...,"

"Yeah I know. But you do it your way, I do it mine," Dean said as he ruffled your hair. It was then you saw the old fashioned popcorn popper on the table, Sam already filling the popper with popcorn. But you could quickly see his mistake.

"Sam! That's not how you make popcorn!" You exclaimed, noticing they hadn't brought the lid along with the machine.

"Yeah it is," he argued. "This is a popcorn popper. You turn it on, place the popcorn in, and it pops. Simple."

You watched as a couple of kernels popped out. "No, you need the lid!!"

Dean cocked his head slightly, before picking up the clear plastic lid. "You mean this?"

Nodding, you reached for it, but he held it up, out of your view. You could hear the popcorn warming up, a couple fluffy white pieces falling out. "Yeah, Sam and
I thought we would try this differently. So watch out, and see if you can catch a piece or two."

A piece popped up, hitting you in the nose, making you giggle. But what actually put a smile on your face was watching Sam and Dean attempting to catch the popcorn, popping it in their mouth when they did.

Soon you were laughing, standing in a snowfall of popcorn as Sam added more kernels to the machine. Grabbing a handful from the table, you threw them at Dean, laughing when he caught as many as he could, shoving them in his mouth until he looked like a chipmunk.

It was almost ten minutes later when the machine ran out of kernels. The floor was completely covered in the puffy white snack, and you had eaten your fill. Both Sam and Dean had plopped down in the chairs, a contented smile on their face. And it made you realize. Sure the hunting life wasn't easy. And there were days that you felt completely helpless, or stressed beyond belief. But this was your normal life now, with your brothers who cared greatly for you. And you wouldn't change it for anything.

Confetti it's a Parade Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora