No Longer Soft and Cuddly

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The car sat idling underneath you, the steering wheel gripped tight in your hand. You stared off at the brick wall in front of you, your eyes unblinking. You were tired, more than just tired. You were weary. Completely exhausted from the past couple of weeks.

You had needed time away. From the bunker, and from all the people who had made it their home as well. Volunteering to go on the errand run, needing to get away from all the noise and the constant pitying looks.

Your body working almost robotically, you reached over, turning the ignition off. Still staring at the brick wall, sighing as you knew you had to keep moving on. Keeping pushing forward even though you wanted nothing more than to curl up on your bed, pretend as if nothing had happened.

Pushing open the car door, you stepped out, the note crinkling in your pocket. You shivered as the breeze cut through your light sweatshirt, lifting your hair from your nape. The locally owned grocery store was just around the corner, right past the shop that had sat empty for as long as you could remember.

With your hands tucked in your pockets, you stopped in front of the store, ready to peer into the cobwebbed covered glass, to see the dust covered shelves and antiques stacked in the corner. You always wondered about that store. How it had sat empty for so long in this bustling part of town. Wondering who had owned the place and what had happened. But the grime you had been expecting was gone. The windows were shiny and clean, freshly painted with the words. "Pounce N' Play Pet Store."

You could see the walls had been freshly painted, a bright cheery yellow. The shelves had been dusted, full of pet treats and items that any pet owner would need. Rounded cages were in the middle, holding kittens and puppies, all so adorable and cute.

Without even realizing what you were doing, you had already stepped inside, the chirping of birds announcing your entrance. "Good morning!" A cheery voice exclaimed. An old lady was standing at the counter, wearing a pink sweatshirt, embellished with kittens playing with yarn. "Welcome to Pounce N'Play. You're welcome to cuddle with any of the animals."

A black and white little puppy yipped right next to you, standing up on the plastic side, wagging its tail. As you knelt down next to the cage, reaching inside to pet the puppy, you realized this is what you needed. Not the silence. Not being away from the bunker. You needed a sense of normalcy. And nothing was more normal than petting some soft and cuddly animals.

The other puppies in the cage came over, all pawing and falling over each in other in their haste to get your attention. Reaching down, you picked up one, cuddling it tight to your chest. A deep sigh escaped you as you finally started to relax.

The older lady smiled over at you, sitting down at the desk, turning her attention to the book in front of her. Smiling for the first time in weeks, you turned your attention to the wiggling puppy, giggling as it licked your face.

You weren't sure how much time had passed. You had long since returned the black and white puppy to its cage, turning your attention to the kittens. Sitting on the floor, you had one kitten in your arms while another three played in your lap. You were happy, feeling more light-hearted than you had in a long time.

"Why don't you take some home?" The old lady asked, looking up from her book. "They could all use a good home, and I think yours would be great."

Your smile faded away for a moment. "I can't. I'm not home long enough, and I...,"

She waved the rest of your comment away. "I understand dearie. And you're welcome here anytime you need cuddles. I just need something from the back. You keep enjoying yourself."

She vanished through the back, and you snuggled with the sleek black kitten who had fallen asleep in your arms. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you ignored it. Sure, you knew that Sam was probably wondering where you were, but you just needed a couple more minutes. Just a little more normalcy before you returned to the hell hole that had become your life.

Sighing, you put the rest of the kittens away, placing a soft kiss on the head of the kitten, planning on getting on with your day when you heard a bang in the back of the building.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" You asked, taking a step towards the back when she came out. Her eyes were wide, her entire body stiff, and you immediately knew why.

"Well, hello there Y/N," Dean said, or should you say Michael. He was dressed as you had last seen him, in that old fashioned suit, the cap settled on his slick down hair. His hand was wrapped tight around the woman's neck, his familiar green eyes so cold and distant. So unlike your Dean.

"Michael," you whispered, unconsciously taking a step back. You hadn't expected to see him. Not so soon after he disappeared, breaking your heart.

With barely a glance at the woman, he snapped her neck, tossing her to the side. "I don't understand. What are you doing here, messing with these little...things."

"They calmed me," you admitted. "But Michael...,"

"Tsk, tsk," he admonished you. "I'm not here to listen to you talk. I've come to give you a choice."

You wanted to turn and run. To get away from the Angel who had taken Dean away from you. But you were frozen to the spot, unable to move. "Wh...what choice?"

He stepped closer to you, staring down at the puppies in wonder. "As I see it, you have two choices. You can do the smart thing, and join with me. Let me make you stronger, better.

"And if I say no?"

Michael tilted his head, studying you for a moment before he snapped his fingers. Instantly all of the animals in the store, including the birds and fish stopped making sounds. They stopped moving. "No," you whispered, glancing up at Michael in horror.

"They're just animals," he muttered, raising an eyebrow at the pain you were feeling for something so small. "Just think what will happen if you say no."

Taking a deep breath, you stood up tall, knowing this would probably be the last time you would ever see Dean. Wishing you could tell him how much you loved him. "No." 

Dean's beautiful green eyes glowed blue, his lip raised in a snarl. "I really wish you would have chosen different. We could have been powerful together. Instead, you will lie with the...what's the phrase? Lie with the fishes."

Before you could race out of the room Michael snapped his fingers, and the most tremendous pain you had ever felt slammed through your body. The last thing you saw was Michael's glowing blue eyes fade back into the concerned green, his mouth opening in shock. "Y/N? No!"

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