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Dean Winchester.

Synopsis: Requested by Jessie__Winchester and for her friend TheRogueBlonde. A Story about two friends who met Dean Winchester during season 4, and meet again when they are older, realizing he was the father of both girls. Written in Dean's POV. 

"Sam, seriously? You're working for the brits now?" I growled, slamming my hands on the table as I glared down at my brother. I couldn't believe it. He knew how much I hated those bastards. Hell, they had been the ones to torture him, and yet here he was, taking their orders. 

"Dean, it's not like that. I didn't want to lie to you, but I knew you wouldn't go along with it. But they are doing good things, and I think we should at least try it." He pleaded with me. Standing up, I carded my fingers through my hair, frustrated and needing air.

"Sam, I can't believe this." I muttered, grabbing my coat, and heading for the door.

"Dean, where are you going? We need to talk about this!" Sam pleaded, tucking his hair behind his ear. 

"I need air. To think. Don't wait up for me." I threw over my shoulder as I slammed the door behind me. Looking at my Impala, I left her behind. Tucking my hands in my pockets I started walking, heading down the darkened sidewalk to the bar I knew was just a couple of short blocks away. As I walked past an alley, I heard the sounds of a fight. Pulling my pistol from the back of my pants, I I crept into the hallway. A couple of darkened figures were battling in front of me, and I took a moment to get my bearings straight. 

What looked like a pair of young girls were fighting what appeared to be Vampires. Which was what Sam and I were in town for. Looking like they were losing, I quickly stepped up, picking up the abandoned machete laying on the ground. Swiping, I cleared one head off, just as one of the girls finished off another. Wiping off my hands, I helped them off the ground.

"Thanks." The young woman muttered, stepping into the light. With her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, she seemed familiar but I couldn't place it. The other girl stood up, coming to join her friend. She had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and seemed just as familiar as the first. "Hey, we know you!" They exclaimed. 

"What?" I answered, looking between both girls. I knew they looked familiar, but they had to be twenty at the most, and I knew they couldn't be one of my flings.

"Can we go someplace and talk?" The first one asked. "I'm Jess. That's my friend Marie."

"Dean." I answered.Still cautious and unsure, I walked beside the girls until we stopped at a diner. Settling into a booth,we all three ordered a slice of pie. "So, let's talk. Why do you girls look familiar, and why did you say you knew me?"

"It's kind of a long story. But we were there the day you were in your car, singing a song. What was it Marie?" Jess asked, both of them thinking for a moment.

"Eye of the tiger!" Marie exclaimed. "You had said to your buddy that you were scared of your room being so high, and you sang Eye of the Tiger. You were awesome!"

"You guys could have only been what? Eight?" I asked.

"Yeah. But you were so cool, and so hot, and we couldn't help but watch, and it stuck in our brain ever since." Marie answered.

"So now what? Are you guys hunters or something?" I continued, hating the fact that these two young, energetic women were in this type of life. 

"Not really. I mean, we know about that type of life, but we don't actually go out looking for hunts. Those Vamps just sort of came after us."

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