Falling For the FBI Pt. 2

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It was the first time you had ever found yourself at the end of a gun, and you were hoping it would be the last. The other agent, Dean was his name, held it as he glared at you, before Sam came up right behind you. "Whoa Dean, she's with me. It's okay!"

"She's with you? And here I thought her and I had a thing going back there. That's why I gave her my number." Dean said, putting the gun back in his pants pocket.

"Your number? But Sam answered?" You asked, as Sam gently pushed you into the room, before shutting the door behind him. Locking you in with two men who claimed they were FBI agents, but now you were worried, wondering if you had made the wrong choice.

"Well it had both of our numbers." Dean admitted. "But, it's alright. You're here now, with me." He teased, winking one of his beautiful green eyes at you.

Before you could answer back, he came forward, pulling out a seat for you to sit on. Sitting down, you waited patiently as Sam filled Dean in on what happened. "So, you saw teeth?" Dean asked once Sam was done, and you nodded.

"It could have been a light trick or something. Because no one should have teeth like that." You back tracked, not wanting them to think you were crazy or anything.

"Sam, why don't you go get us some food and I'll explain things to Y/N." Dean suggested, and you watched as the two men shared a silent look before Sam stormed out of the room. "Beer?" Dean asked, opening the fridge and pulling two out. Graciously accepting one, you perched on the edge of the chair at the table, waiting for Dean to get to his point. 

Sitting down across from you, Dean titled his beer bottle back, his plump lips connecting with the tip of the bottle, a sight any normal woman would drool over. However, you didn't feel anything past a casual tug. You were more into the puppy dog eyed agent behind you. The one who came the second you called, willing to keep you safe even though he knew nothing about you. 

You heard the door shut, leaving you alone with Dean. But truthfully, you didn't feel afraid, or nervous that he would take advantage. While he talked a good talk, he seemed like a man who wouldn't force the issue. "Can you please explain what is going on?" You pleaded with him, watching as he set the beer bottle down, his long fingers playing with the label.

"First, please just let me talk. It's going to sound crazy, but you need to listen through before you make any rash decisions. Can you do that for me?" He asked you, his mossy eyes unwavering from your face.

Nodding, you took a deep breath, waiting to hear what they would consider so crazy. "Okay, here it goes. Sammy and I really aren't Agents. We are brothers that go after monsters people don't think are real. We try to save people from them. Werewolves, vampires, you name it, it's real, and we've killed them. We think something like that happened to your roommate, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen to you too."

Processing his words, you weren't sure what you wanted to do. A part of you wanted to run away, from these crazy thoughts and crazy men. Monsters couldn't be real, could they? On the other hand, you had always been the curious sort, wanting to know anything and everything about the world around you. And if Dean was telling the truth, than there was a whole world that you knew nothing about. "Can you prove it?" You asked him, watching as the corner of his mouth tilted up in a smile. 

"You're a smart girl. Courageous and curious. I like that." He flirted, before moving up and over to an army green duffel bag that was laying on his bed. Opening it he began pulling out a variety of items. Guns, knives, even bottles of water. Making you wonder if you should have gone with your first instinct and run when you had the chance. Before you could make a move, the door opened and Sam's tall, lean but strong body blocked the entrance way.

"Dean, what the hell are you doing?" He asked, dropping the bag of fast food on the table before standing beside you, trying to offer you comfort.

"She wanted me to prove that Monsters are real. I was just trying to find this." He explained, holding out a tattered and full leather journal. "It's not complete proof, but between it, the weapons, and your smart mind I think you'll figure it out."

Taking it from him, holding it gently, knowing without a doubt it was a family heirloom, you thumbed through the pages, seeing drawings and descriptions of monsters that you had never even heard of before. "So, it's true? The two of you travel around, killing these things?"

Sam knelt down in front of you, and with his great height was still almost eye level with you sitting in the chair. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you're doing remarkably well. Better than I could have expected. But know this, we will make sure that whatever went after Stacia, will not get you. I will not let anything happen to you."

Staring into his kaleidoscope eyes, you felt yourself falling for this man. You might not know him, or anything about his life, but you could tell how kind and sincere he was being, and it wasn't hard to imagine being in love with him. "Thank you Sam." You whispered, placing your hand over his as his brother coughed before grabbing a hamburger out of the bag.

"Princess, you better eat." He said, tossing you the hamburger, pulling you away from the attention of his brother. "We're going to need your help finding this Mark."

After the three of you finished your quick and greasy meal, you waited nervously as the two men gathered large nives and syringes full of something dark that you weren't sure you wanted to know what it was. There was something different between finding out monsters exist and hunting them, and you weren't entirely ready for the hunting part. 

Sam must have noticed how your hands were shaking slightly, or the way you were nervously chewing on your bottom lip. "Y/N, I know this is so much to take in. But you're doing great, so much better than I expected. Dean and I, we will be with you the entire time, don't worry."

Taking a deep breath you gave him a shaky smile just as Dean joined the two of you. "Alright Y/N, any idea where Mark might be?"

While Stacia and you hadn't been exactly friends, she had always like throwing her plans in your face, letting you know exactly how much better at life she was. Because of this, you knew exactly where she had planned on going with Mark tonight. And Mark did not seem like the type of person to cancel plans just because his girlfriend had been killed.

"There's a bar, towards the end of the campus. It's not that popular of a bar, it's older and doesn't cater to the more popular college students. Which always made me wonder why she went there in the first place. But Mark likes it, and he knows the people who own it."

Stepping out into the cool night air, Dean headed straight for a shining black older car. "Wow, she's beautiful." You whispered, running your hand along the gleaming exterior.

Dean gave a pointed smile to Sam, who just rolled his eyes. "I knew you were a smart girl. This here is my Baby. a 67 Impala."

"You've done a great job with her." You complimented him before sliding into the backseat. 

The engine purred, and the car handled great as Dean pushed her down the nearly empty roads, heading towards the bar. Most college students were at the football game tonight, along with the rest of the town. The bar's parking lot was nearly empty, with maybe three of four late model cars parked in the gravel. Sliding out of the seat, you wrapped your arms around yourself, wishing for a moment you could just stay in the car, away from the conflict that was no doubt going to happen.

Sam's large hand landed on your shoulder, as he bent down to look you in the eyes. "Y/N, no matter what, you stay by my side, or Dean's. When the fighting starts, I want you to stay behind us, out of the way. Can you do that?"

Nodding, you took the syringe they gave you, along with a long knife that weighed heavily in your hands. "That is dead man's blood. It's poison to vampires. If one comes after you, stab them with that, then use the machete to slice their head off. Only way to kill a vamp."

"So, not like in the movies then." You teased, trying to gather your courage up.

"You'll soon learn the movies got many things wrong." Sam chuckled before grabbing your hand, pulling you to his side. The feeling of your small hand completely engulfed in his sent butterflies through your stomach, and even though you were getting ready to go kill vampires, you couldn't control the smile on your face. 

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