Love Hurts Part 3

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You could only stare at Meg. Not in shock, because she was a Demon, and you could expect remarks like that from Demons. You stared at her, wishing you could rip the hair from her head, or stab her through with your Angel Blade. Instead, you took deep, steadying breaths as you tried to calm your anger.

"You will never get him, do you understand me?" You growled low, so low your brother's couldn't even hear your words. Cas probably could, but at this moment you didn't even care. "I know he's not himself right now, and the two of you had something in the past. But he's mine now, and I will fight for him."

The grin on her face surprised you, and so did her next words. "There's that fire that I've heard of. I was starting to wonder if your brothers had gotten all the fight. But now, I can see what Cas sees in you. And if you're ever looking for a partner in your extracurricular activities, let me know." She winked.

"Y/N, we need to go!" Dean yelled, standing in the doorway as he waited for you. Shaking your head at Meg's comment, you followed Dean inside, giving your brother Sam a reassuring look. Cas followed behind you, silent and moody.

"What did Meg want?" Dean asked you as you carefully walked over long forgotten factory equipment, your flashlights the only thing lighting up the building.

"Can we talk about that later?" You asked, not really wanting to say anything to your brother, knowing he would probably go out and stab her himself.

"Can you two stop talking? We need to finish this, now." Cas insisted, his shoulder brushing yours as he moved to pass you, in a hurry.

"Cas, what's your problem?" Dean asked him, placing his hand on his shoulder, stopping his friend.

"What's my problem?" Cas growled, his face turning furious. It was the most expression you had seen out of him since he had shown up on the hunt. "My problem is that I have to deal with the two of you while I just want to find the tablet!"

"Deal with us? Cas, if you weren't my friend, and Y/N's boyfriend, I would so punch you right now." Dean threatened. "We're trying to help you, so we can keep the Demon's from getting it. But that's not an excuse to treat us like shit, especially Y/N."

Cas shoved Dean, hard enough that he hit the wall, dust falling down around him. "The tablet is more important than anyone's feelings. I don't care about Y/N, I care about the tablet!" Cas exclaimed, your heart breaking at his words.

"Thanks Cas, for letting me know how you truly feel." You whispered, tears leaking down your cheeks as you walked forward, away from the Angel who had just ripped your heart out.

"Y/N, I..." You heard him mutter, his voice full of contrite, but you couldn't turn back. Walking forward, you furiously wiped the tears away from your eyes. It was then you saw the sigil, standing out on the far wall. 

Footsteps sounded behind you, and Dean's heavy hand fell on your shoulder, comforting it in it's warmth. "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I have no idea what got into him." He apologized, but you didn't want to talk about it. 

"Dean, don't." You whispered, just as Cas came up to you, his lip bloodied.

With a wave of his hand, the sigil shined, and the wall moved, showing a dark hallway full of cobwebs leading down below the factory. Taking Dean's flashlight, you led the way, needing to be as far away from Cas as possible. Down the stone stair way you went, passing by the skeleton remains of rats, spiderwebs clinging to your hair. 

Rounding the corner, you came into a room full of ancient treasures. Lighting one of the torches on the wall, you walked around, running your hand through the dust lining each and every treasure. "Wow." You whispered, your heart ache forgotten for a moment as you took in each item. Cas rushed forward, moving items out of the way in his haste to get to the tablet. Coming upon a box, you ran your fingers across the markings engraved into the stoned box, wondering what would possibly be inside.

Cas pushed you roughly to the side, moving to run his hands along the box before stopping in dismay. Dean caught you before you fell to the ground, his jaw clenched in anger. "I can't open it. One of you need to."

Nodding at Dean, you moved, standing next to Cas. Prying at the lid, you were surprised at how easily the lid opened for you. Inside was old parchment, and you gingerly picked it up, feeling the weight of the tablet inside. "Give it to me!" Cas ordered, reaching out for it.

Instinctively, you pulled it back, wrapping it in your arms. "No."

"Y/N, this isn't funny. Give it to me." He said again, just as Dean stepped in front of you, protecting you.

"Cas, why do you want this so much?" He asked.

"Na...Because I want to keep it safe." He said, changing what he was going to say. 

"If you tell me how you got out of purgatory, I will give you the tablet." Dean bargained.

You could see the torment on Cas' face. Before you could even more, he reached out, hitting Dean hard enough that Dean fell sideways, his temple connecting with the table, knocking him unconscious.

"Y/N, I do not want to do the same to you." Cas threatened as you held the tablet tight to your chest.

In your heart, you knew it really wasn't your Cas that was acting this way. Something, or someone was controlling him. This fact should have been comforting, but it made you realize you had to keep the tablet away from him. "Cas, you're going to have to kill me before I give this to you." You told him, as you took a step back, away from him.

"Y/N, do this the easy way. Give it to me, and I will let you go." He ordered.

"Who's making you do this Cas? Because the Cas I love wouldn't act this way. Please, whatever hold they have against you, you can fight it!" You pleaded with him as he strode forward, his face showing the battle he was fighting inside.

Reaching out he grasped your hair, pulling you forward. Squealing, you fell to your knees, as his hand swung towards you, hitting you on the cheek. Crying out in pain, you held onto the tablet as he hit you again and again, your face turning bloody and bruised.

"Cas, please." You begged, as you dropped the tablet. Waiting for him to pick it up, you were shocked when he came after you again, delivering punch after punch. 

"Cas, this isn't you." You said over and over as your eye swelled shut, multiple bones broken in your face.

With your one good eye, you saw his Angel blade slide out of his pocket, and he held it above your heart. With your hand, you grasped his wrist, pleading with him. "Cas. I know you're in there." You said as his hand clenches around the hilt. I know you can hear me. Cas, it's me Y/N. I need you. I love you." 

**One more part coming**

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