Camp Counselor Part 3

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 "Damn, this hunt has really taken a turn, hasn't it?" He muttered, before the two of you heard a loud crashing sound. With Dean by your side, you turned to face the entrance, the flare gun still in your hand.

"Dean..." You warned as he tried to push you behind him. He was wobbling on his feet, but still he wanted to protect you from the Wendigo standing in front of you.

"Hand me the flare gun." He tried ordering as he knees threatened to buckle underneath him.

Growling, the Wendigo crashed into the cave, heading straight towards you.

"I'm sorry Dean." You whispered, pushing him to the side. Standing strong, you aimed the flare gun, squeezing the trigger, recoiling back as the flare found its way into the Wendigo's stomach.

Screaming in pain, it reached out, swiping you with a claw before the flames flickered up it's body, burning it from the inside out. Pressing a hand to your side, you turned to make sure that Dean was okay.

"Y/N, you could have been hurt." He muttered, struggling to get to his feet. Deciding not to let him know you had been scratched, you reached over, helping him to his feet.

"Yeah, but you could hardly stand." You argued. "But it doesn't matter now. The Wendigo's gone, and I'm worried about Sam!"

"Sam?" He asked, his aches and pains completely forgotten as worry for his brother took over. "What's up with Sam?"

"I was coming to find you, but he tried contacting me on this." You started explaining, holding up your walkie talkie. "He kept going in and out, but it sounded like he was in trouble."

Dean started to stride forward, ready to go save his little brother, but his head wound had him wobbly and off balance, and he stumbled right into the side of the cave. As he leaned against it for support, you came up beside him, wrapping your arm around his waist. "How about we do this together?" You asked him.

Sighing, he nodded, before turning back to look at the Wendigo. "At least the Wendigo's gone. I just hope we don't have another monster to deal with." He muttered.

You were glad to leave the cave behind, even if it still housed the remains of those who were missing. Figuring after Sam was safe, you could call the cops, give them directions. "How did you get captured by the Wendigo anyways?" You asked Dean as the two of you began the long trek back to the camp.

"I had all but given up on finding it by myself. I knew I had been gone a while, and I was turning around to come back when a branch snapped behind me. Before I could even pull out my flare gun it had me in its grasp, knocking me against a tree." He grumbled.

"Well, it's over with now." You assured him. With Dean still woozy from his head wound, the going was slow. Even when he refused to stop, you would say you needed the break, seeing the pain etched around his eyes. But truthfully, you were sore too. Those claws of the Wendigo had done a good job, blood had soaked through your work shirt, but so far, your flannel had covered up the wound. Dean already had enough to worry about, he didn't need to see the fact that you were hurt as well.

As you finally came back to the main trail, Dean's hand trailed from your shoulder, grasping you around your waist, and you couldn't control the groan that slipped from your lips. Stopping immediately, he turned you towards him. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." You tried pushing the issue away, but Dean wasn't having any of it.

"Bull. You groaned, but not the sexy groan I love." He teased for a second, sidetracking you as his hand reached out, pushing the flannel away to show your blood crusted uniform shirt. "Damn it Y/N. Why didn't you say something?"

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