Hang in There

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Sam Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: A challenge on Tumblr. With the quote:I'm sorry I haven't hung up the 'hang in there' kitty poster yet. 

"Damn it Y/N!" Dean yelled as he slammed the door to the Impala, making you all wince. He had to be pissed if he treated his precious car that bad. Knowing what he had to say to you would be nothing but negative and hurtful, you pulled your bag out of the car, rushing from the garage and into your room, leaving him to haul his hurt brother out of the Impala. Feeling guilty for not staying and helping, for making sure Sam would be alright. But you couldn't handle Dean's contempt for you, his barely contained fury at the fact that you had accidentally gotten his brother hurt.

You hadn't meant to get Sam hurt. The hunt had been harder than any of you had expected, and the three of you were stretched beyond thin. The three of you had spread out throughout the house, looking for the werewolves. You had taken the basement, getting overtaken too easily. With at least six werewolves you had thought you would be their prey when Sam had shown up, taking two down before the standoff had happened. With your neck in their werewolves claws, Sam had made the decision to spare your life for his, a fact that would haunt you for a long time. As they rounded on him, you had been thrown off to the side, your head banging against the wall. From there you had watched as they sliced their claws across Sam, never biting him, but doing enough damage that he was bleeding heavily from multiple spots.

It had been your moment, as you had reached and grabbed his gun. Shooting as you went, you had taken down all the werewolves, but not before Sam was laying on the floor, covered in his own blood. By then Dean had rushed down the stairs, his eyes wide as he took in his brother. "What the hell happened?" He had yelled at you, kneeling by his brothers side as you stood there staring down at Sam in shock.

"There were too many. I was overtaken, and Sam offered himself in my place." You had told Dean as you helped him maneuver Sam up the stairs and into the car. The ride back to the bunker had been quiet, full of unsaid accusations and worried glances at Sam who lay passed out in the back of the car.

A pounding on your door had you pulling back from the horrid memories. "Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, and with a sigh you opened the door, nervously waiting for Dean to yell at you. But what came was much worse.

"Get out." He said, his voice low and even, so much more scarier than when he yelled. "Because of you my brother is laying unconscious on his bed, and who knows if he will ever wake up. I want your things packed and you gone within the hour."

"Dean, please." You whispered, tears filling your eyes.

His eyes softened for a moment before he resolved himself. "Y/N, I hate to do this. But it's for the best. It's always worked better, just Sammy and me. With you here, it changes things, and someone got hurt because of it."

With that, he turned and walked away, heading straight back into Sams' room. With tears spilling down your cheek, you quickly packed your meager belongings. As your hand settled on the only picture sitting out on your dresser a small sob escaped your lips. It was of you and Sam, who you had loved for a while now. The two of you were sitting at the table in the library. The two of you had been drinking, and your cheeks were flushed. Dean had snapped the picture on his phone, and you had begged him for a copy. 

Brushing your finger against it, you placed it back down, knowing you needed to sever all ties for a chance to survive leaving him behind. With one last glance, you left your room, heading back up to the garage where your little economy car sat in the corner collecting dust. Placing your bag in the backseat, you started your car, wiping away your tears as you drove away.

With no clear destination in mind, you took random turns, heading as far away from the bunker as you could get. When driving became too much, you pulled over for the night, at some small motel a state over. It was clean, the hostess nice, giving you a decent price for the night.

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