Spell for the Broken Hearted

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Sam Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: A witch is killing couples, and has her eyes set on you and Sam. One spell, and you're seeing the impossible, which causes you to run. 

Trying to hold back a yawn, you slid out of the front seat of the Impala, slamming the door behind you. "Dude, watch the car!" Dean exclaimed as he came around the other side.

"Mm,sorry." You told him, yawning again. It had been the longest day ever of pre-hunting. You had started off with the morgue, staying in the car and making some calls while Sam and Dean had taken a look at a couple of the victims. After a quick lunch at the local diner, you had split up. Sam had gone back to the room to do some more research while you and Dean had gone to the murder sights, trying to find any clues.

"So, at least we're sure it's witches. Kind wished it was a rogue cupid instead though. Witches are the worst." Dean announced as he leaned against the Impala next to you. 

"Yeah, stupid witches. At least we found the hex bags." You agreed, ready to go inside and fall asleep next to your boyfriend, Sam. You were cold, and tired, and he was like your own personal heater, keeping you warm on these chilly nights.

"Yep. Now we just need to figure out where and who this witch is, then I can finally use my witch killing bullets." Dean said, proudly patting the spot his gun was hiding.

"Your insufferable." You teased, before covering up another yawn.

"Let's get you in, and to bed. I can't understand why you're so tired. You slept all the way to this small town. And it's not even 10 o'clock." Dean announced, glancing at his phone, and you just shrugged, barely keeping your eyes open.

"I don't know. I've been feeling this way ever since lunch." You admitted as you stumbled your way to the motel door. The lights were still on, and the curtains closed, and you could just imagine Sam, hunched over his laptop, his hair falling into his face, his brow furrowed in concentration. He'd probably have a stiff neck and back, but would still turn and give you a heart melting smile as soon as you walked into the room.

The thought made you smile dreamily, and you made the last couple of steps before pushing open the door. "Sam, we're.." You started to say, but stopped dead in your tracks at the horrifying view in front of you. Sam wasn't at the table. His laptop wasn't in front of him, and he certainly wasn't doing research. You could only stand there in horror as he continued to press his body tight to the lithe and naked blonde underneath him, his shoulder muscles bunching with each move. He hadn't even heard you come in, he was too lost in flexing his hips into hers.

"Hey, why are you standing in the doorway? You're letting all the warm air out." Dean teased you, bumping your shoulder with his, oblivious to the scene in front of you. As he moved to step around you, he stopped dead in his tracks, just as confused as you. "Sam, what the hell man?" He yelled, and finally you were able to garner his attention. 

He sat up, his hair disheveled, his eyes blown wide as he stared at you in horror. Glancing down at the sated blonde beneath him, he shot off the bed, almost falling on the floor in his haste to get off. Wrapping the blanket around himself, he turned to you. "Y/N, I don't know what's going on here! Please believe me!"

"Sam..." You started, but couldn't find the words to say. Instead, big fat ugly tears started falling down your face, as Dean wrapped his arm around you, protecting you from his jerk of a brother. 

"Sam, you better be able to explain this. And I don't know what you're name is, but get the hell out! Now!" Dean yelled, and the blonde yipped, before grabbing her clothes and slipping them on. Rushing past you, she slipped out the door, and Dean slammed it shut behind her. Sam was busy slipping into his jeans and t-shirt, before taking a step towards you. You recoiled back, the hurt too much to bear. 

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