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Dean x Reader

Prompt: Dean and the Reader have been best friends forever. Slowly Dean's feelings change, but he's afraid to admit them.

Dean's POV

There was never a time I could remember Y/N not being in my life. From the time we were teenagers, trying to survive a world that often left us to ourselves, she had been the constant in my life.

Even more constant than Sam. While he went away to college, she was there. By my side, both of us hunting without our parents. She was the best friend I could have ever asked for, even if it did sound cheesy.

Here it was, years later, and Y/N was still by my side. Even through the troubles of finding my Dad, and even when I went to Hell, Y/N had never given up on me. She moved in with us when we found the bunker, both of us falling in love with the place.

She was currently sprawled in one of the arm chairs, her eyes closed as the book threatened to fall from her hands. She was wearing one of my flannel shirts she had stolen from me, along with a pair of cut off shorts, showcasing her lean legs. She was beautiful, and I often found myself having to tear my gaze away from her. She was my friend, and had been for years. But a part of me, a part I kept trying to ignore, wanted things to move beyond friends.

I never gave a voice to those feelings. Not knowing exactly what they meant, but knowing they were more than friendly. But there was no way I would ever say them out loud. I didn't deserve Y/N. Even after all she had seen, and done, she still had this kindness, this sweetness to her. Hunting hadn't turned her callous and cold like it did to so many people, and I was forever grateful that her spark hadn't been diminished.

"What are you staring at?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. Even tired and rumpled, I couldn't help but want to pull her tight against me, seeing if those lips tasted as sweet as I imagined.

"Just wondering if you were going to start snoring." I told her, watching as she frowned.

"I don't snore. With how many hotel rooms we've shared over the years I thought you would have figured that out." She grumbled, just as Sam came into the library, carrying his duffle bag.

"Hey guys, Jody called and she needs some help." He started explaining, and I stood up, ready to go with him. "Sit down. I've got this covered. You and Y/N keep trying to figure out how to take out the Darkness."

"But Sam, I love Jody!" Y/N argued, and I had to agree with her. Jody was always a blast to hang out with, and her cooking was so much better than the takeout we usually lived on.

"Next time. But this isn't something huge, and I don't want to pull all of us away from finding the darkness." He insisted, before heading out of the room, towards the garage where his hotwired truck still sat.

"Damn it." She muttered, plopping back down into her chair.

"I agree. But how about we blow this joint, go get us some dinner?" I suggested, loving the way her eyes lit up.

"Burgers?" She asked, a girl after my own heart.

"Of course. Nothing but the best for you, sweetheart." I told her, watching as a huge smile grew on her face. "But first I'm going to go hop in the shower."

"Don't take all the hot water." She insisted, but I just shrugged as I walked away. A couple minutes later I found myself humming the song Simple Man in the shower as I used Sam's hidden shampoo. Surprised he hadn't taken it with him, I decided to pay him back for leaving us behind. Using a huge dollop, I rubbed it through my hair, making my hair completely white, standing straight up. Taking my own splurge, my favorite body wash, I got that into a nice lather, and began rubbing it over my face and body when I heard a commotion in the bathroom.

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