Falling for the FBI

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Sam x Reader

Synopsis: Finding your roommate murdered, you have to answer to the FBI. It doesn't make things easier when both are handsome men. Quickly you find yourself falling for one, as the murderer comes after you.

With your arms full of books, you shoved through the busy hallway of your dorm. Girls were rushing back and forth, getting ready for that night's football game, or for the parties that were no doubt being thrown. You, on the other hand, had an interesting night planned of reading books, and studying for your test coming up on Monday. Boring compared to everyone else. 

As you went to climb the stairs up to your third floor, you secretly hoped that your roommate was one of those girls getting ready for a party, leaving you by yourself for the night. The two of you didn't really see eye to eye, especially since she liked to lock you out of your rooms while she entertained her current boy toy. 

Struggling to hold onto your books, you twisted the knob, shoving the door open with your hip. "Stacia, are you here?" You asked, not even looking as you placed your huge load of books on the desk by the door. When no one answered, you breathed a sigh of relief. 

Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you took a step towards your bed when you stubbed your toe on something laying on the floor. "Stacia, really? Why can't you clean up after yourself?" You muttered, turning on the light. Your hand flying to cover your mouth, you covered the scream you wanted to let out. Stacia wasn't out at one of the parties, or with her current boyfriend. She was laying in a pool of blood, her glossy blue eyes staring up at you, her neck torn wide open. 


"Hi, I'm Agent Hetfield, this is Agent Frehley." A deep voice said from the doorway. Without even glancing up, you let them into the small dorm room, the same room your roommate had been murdered in. The room you hadn't been able to get any sleep in due to the crime scene it had become. 

"Hello Agents. I'm not sure what I can help you with. I've already talked to the police, given them my statement." You explained evenly. 

"I know you have, and we've read it. But we want to hear the story from you." The deep voice came again, and you finally looked up, staring straight at two gorgeous men. Both were tall, with striking good looks. The one who had just spoken was almost too good looking, with his dazzling green eyes, and his spiky sandy hair. Not to mention his plump lips and the knowing smile gracing them.

But it was the other Agent who drew your interest. He was the taller of the two, and leaner also. His hair hung shaggy and a shiny mahogany chestnut, his eyes a multi faceted mixture of blues, greens with specks of brown. He had a kind smile on his face, as he waited for you to continue talking. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?" You asked, finding yourself blushing at the fact that you had gotten caught staring.

The shorter one of the two chuckled, his voice like whiskey over ice, as he repeated his question. "I didn't really notice much." You explained. "I was in class, then when I returned the lights were off, and I accidentally stumbled upon her, laying in a pool of blood." 

It struck you as weird. She was your roommate, and while the two of you hadn't been that close, you still should have felt more than you did right now. Because right now all you felt was sad that your studying had been interrupted, and that you would be getting a new roommate soon. Stacia had been nothing but mean to you, and it was hard to feel for her now. Which made you feel like a horrible person.

The taller Agent, you couldn't remember his name, took a step forward. "Did you notice anything weird? Smells, or the window open? Anything like that?"

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