Birthday Cake

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Castiel x Reader

Synopsis: A birthday request from sharks244. Happy Late Birthday, hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

Birthdays. As a hunter they were seldom celebrated, or even thought about. Bobby, when he had been alive had made a point to celebrate your birthday, along with your brothers. He would buy a cake, usually on sale, and plan a special dinner of steaks. No singing happy birthday, or opening of presents, but at least it was acknowledged that you had made it through another year of hunting. That no monster had been able to take you down.

After Bobby died, the tradition stopped, and birthdays were forgotten. The first couple of years you had been too busy to notice, casually noticing the passing of the day on the calendar. However this year, you were stuck at home, while your brothers were out hunting a Rugaru. You hated being left behind, sitting in the dark and gloomy bunker, while you nursed a badly sprained ankle.

You were already grumpy due to your throbbing ankle, and the fact that your brothers hadn't called to say they were coming home just added fuel to the fire. They had already been gone a week, and had only texted once or twice, letting you know they were okay.

You were starting to get cabin fever, and you were lonely. On top of that, you were feeling a little down and out of sorts that it was your birthday, and you were spending it alone, in the huge bunker. It made you realize how fast life was passing you by, and the fact that besides your brothers, you were alone. No special someone to share the day with, no friends to take you out for a night on the town. And tonight, most of all, that fact was the only thing running through your mind.

Wiping away the tear that had slipped out, you climbed out of bed, grabbing your crutches before slowly making your way down the hallway, sighing as you passed your brothers empty rooms. Making your way into the library, you turned on the light, planning on finding a book to take your mind off of the fact that you were feeling lonely.

As you hobbled your way to your personal stash of books, you heard a clanging in the kitchen, almost making you lose your crutches in the process. With your heart in your throat, you reached underneath the table for Dean's hidden gun, your hands shaking. Another crash came from the kitchen, sounding like pans falling to the ground. You waited to see if the intruder would leave the room, but when you heard more clanging, you tried to make your way to the kitchen. 

It was slow and awkward going, trying to hold Dean's gun steady while using your crutches, and you could hear each thump as you moved them along the tiled floor, and you winced, hoping whoever was in the bunker with you hadn't heard. After what seemed like a year, you were finally outside the door, ready to peak your head around the corner.

Taking a deep breath, you were forcing yourself to move when you heard the voice. It was a voice you had heard before, many times. A voice you hadn't heard for weeks, with it's rough and sometimes emotionless tone. Lowering the gun, you glanced around the corner, giggling at the sight in front of you.

Cas was out of his trench coat, the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up. He was completely covered in flour, from his black loafers, to his messy black hair. He had a smudge on his nose, and he was squinting in confusion as he stared down at the cookbook in his hands. Pans were on the counter behind him, and a bowl was off to the side. Cracked eggs were beside it, their insides making a mess.

"Cas?" You asked, startling him so much he dropped the cookbook. "What are you doing?"

"Y/N? You're up!" He exclaimed, coming over to you, guiding you to the table, and making you sit down. Without another word, he pressed two fingers to your temple, and the ache in your ankle disappeared.

"Cas, you didn't have to do that." You told him, but you were glad he did. "But where have you been?"

"Trying to locate Metatron." He answered, leaning down to pick up the cookbook. "Sorry I've been away so long. I've wanted to come visit, but I couldn't have the leads turn cold."

You took the cookbook from him, closing it and setting it on the table. "So, why are you back now? Did you find him?"

He shook his head, disappointment evident in the way his shoulders slumped. "I was talking to Sam and Dean. They were hoping to make it back by today, but if they didn't, they wanted me here, with you."

Raising an eyebrow, you waited for him to explain. Your brothers had never worried about leaving you alone before.

"Y/N, they knew it was your birthday, and they were planning on celebrating it this year. They knew how disappointed you were that it wasn't celebrated the past couple of years. So, I was going to make you a cake!" He exclaimed, gesturing behind him to the mess.

"And how is that going for you?" You chuckled, wondering what would have happened if you hadn't shown up when you did.

He shook his head, looking a little like a kicked puppy. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand this baking thing." He answered. "I'm sorry I couldn't make you a cake for your birthday."

You stood up, clapping your hands together in excitement when your ankle didn't complain. "Do you want me to show you how?" 

He nodded, looking utterly adorable, and you grabbed the cookbook, turning it back to the flour dusted page. Explaining the ingredients, you stood side by side, your shoulder brushing his as you added and mixed the ingredients. 

You found your mood quickly improving, laughing as Cas was covered in more flour. Nudging his shoulder, you had him stirring the ingredients together, watching as he looked so out of place. Soon, the cake was mixed and in the pan, and you placed it in the oven.

"Now, what do we do?" He asked you, as you set the timer.

"Now, we wait." You answered, turning to face him once again.

You started gathering all the dirty dishes, placing them next to the sink, ready to clean up while you waited. "And clean."

Tossing Cas a towel, you began washing the dishes, letting him dry them, the two of you talking about anything and everything you could think of. Cas was a great listener, and you found yourself telling him about your thoughts earlier, and your bad mood.

"I know it's stupid." You finished. "I know what we do is important, and we don't have time for silly celebrations, but it still hurts. Knowing I don't really have that someone special in my life, to make today special for me."

Cas took your hand in his, stopping you from washing the mixing bowl. Placing the towel down, he turned you to face him, his blue eyes sincere. "Y/N, you have me. I will always be here to celebrate these special days with you. I might not know about all of the human traditions, but I care about you, and want to make sure you are happy. And if celebrating your birthday makes you happy, then we will celebrate your birthday."

You blushed under his gaze, feeling so much better than you had an hour ago. "Thanks Cas, I care about you too. A lot." You answered, nibbling on your lip, wondering if the Angel would get the hint and kiss you.

He stared at you for a moment, before stepping closer. With his arms on your shoulder, he pulled you closer, before tilting his head down. His chapped lips brushed up against yours, hesitant and unsure. "Y/N, are you sure?" He asked you, and you nodded, closing the distance and pressing your lips tight to his, tangling your fingers in his soft hair. 

You could tell he was used to kissing, his movements unsure, letting you take the lead. As you angled your head, nibbling on his lip, you heard movement in the hallway, before your big brother Dean's voice rang out. "Y/N, we're home! Happy Birth... What the hell?" 

You broke apart from Cas, your cheeks still bright red as you looked at your brother. He was standing there, with grocery bags in his hands, his mouth wide open in shock. "Hello Dean. I was just telling Y/N how much I care about her." He explained, just as Sam pushed Dean farther into the room.

"About time." Sam muttered, before pulling out the usual celebratory dinner of steaks and baked potatoes. And a store made cake just in case the one you made hadn't turned out. With a happy heart and a smile on your face, you reached down, grasping Cas' hand in your own, knowing that this birthday would be the best one of all.

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