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Dean x Reader

Synopsis: After waken up from being held hostage, Dean is tortured. But nothing is compared to the pain when he sees the Demons have captured Sam and Y/N.

Author's Note: Lots of angst, violence and death. 

Dean's POV

Growing up as a hunter, I never imagined I would live to see 20. Then thirty. Yet here I was, still alive and kicking. And falling for a girl, which I had never seen coming. Sammy, sure. He had a big heart, and it was always hard knowing he was never going to have that normal life that he so desperately wanted.

Even though it had been my father making the decision, drawing both Sam and I into this life before he could even walk, I still felt guilty. I was the one who had gone and gotten him from college. And from Amelia when I came back from Purgatory. I was always drawing him back in, bringing him back into this dangerous life that he had tried running from.

Then there was Y/N. How I loved Y/N from the moment she came into my life, rescuing Sam and I from a couple of monsters. She had been sassy and sweet, with a body that I loved having nestled next to mine each and every night. We had clicked from the get go. I had never expected to fall for someone as hard as I fell for her, and I thanked Chuck each and every night that we had found each other.

"Wake up Dean!" The Demon yelled as he splashed water in my face, pulling me from my thoughts of Y/N. Sputtering I tilted my head, glaring at the Demon who was gloating down on me. "It's time to kill you inch by painful inch."

"You're doing an excellent job so far." I grumbled. "But talking me to death takes a long time."

Chuckling, the Demon nodded to his two henchmen behind him. I had no idea why there holding me hostage, but I was hoping Sam and Y/N would come, saving the day like she was so good at. Picking fun at me for weeks afterwards for getting captured once again. "I'm not just planning on talking boy. I thought we'd take a break from the physical pain, maybe move on to the mental. After all, this meat suit used to be a mind doctor. What are those called? Psychiatrist? Hell, who cares."

He stepped to the side, giving me a show of what was behind him. My heart froze, and I knew I would gladly go through a million more days more torture if I could just have this not be happening. "Dean!" Y/N yelled, held roughly by one of the Demon's men. She was dirty, her clothes torn, a trail of blood streaming down her forehead. Sam was being held right beside her, just as dirty, but multiple bruises and cuts covered his visible skin.

"Sam. Y/N." I breathed out, wishing they were anywhere but here. I knew what these Demons had planned wouldn't be good, and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"This is a little game we're going to play." The lead Demon, I had named him Fred, told me, moving forward to run his grimy hands down Y/N's cheek. Leaning away from the touch, she kept her gaze on mine, mouthing the words I'm sorry.

Glancing at Sam, I could see the guilt in his eyes. He hadn't meant for this to happen, and I knew he was guilty that he got Y/N caught as well.

"A game? Fine. Let's play a game. You let those two go, and do whatever you want with me. Hell, turn me into a Demon if that makes you happy. But those two, they don't need to be here." I started talking, trying to keep the emotion from my words. Pretending that I didn't care as much about Sam and Y/N as I truthfully did.

Clapping, Fred came walking over, crouching down so he was eye level with me. "Nice try. Almost worked. But I know you too well Dean. You see, you were my torture buddy down in Hell. We learned everything about each other during that time. But you were able to get out, and well. Here I am, torturing you."

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