Dreams Coming True

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Dean Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: Dean keeps seeing the reader in his dreams, not knowing who she is, until he meets her on a hunt, and everything comes true. He just hopes the last part doesn't. Her death.

Dean's POV

"Dean, help me. Please!" She begged, her face turning pale, the blood seeping faster than I could stop it. Holding her in my arms, I could do nothing but watch as the life in her eyes slowly faded away.

"Y/N, no!" I exclaimed, but it was too late. She was already gone.

"Dean! Wake up!" Sam's voice exclaimed right next to my ear. Shooting straight up in bed, I almost knocked my head against his. 

"Damn it Sam!" I muttered, taking a moment to catch my breath. "Why the hell did you wake me?"

Sitting back down on his bed, he glanced wearily at me. "Because you were thrashing about, moaning and crying. Saying some girls name over and over again."

"The dream. It was so real." I said quietly, remembering the vibrant woman, hating the fact that she died in my arms. That I hadn't been able to save her, even if it had happened in my dreams. 

"Want to talk about it?" He asked, always willing to listen even though I hardly ever too him up on it.

"Actually, I kind of do." I told him, watching as his eyes widened in surprise. "You weren't there. You were sick, I think it was. I went on a vampire hunt, and she showed up. She was stunning, so strong and independent. We clicked instantly, and raced into the barn. We were seriously out numbered, but managed to take most of them out before she was taken down. I killed the rest, but she died in my arms."

"Wow, that's quite a dream." Sam agreed, but that wasn't all of it.

"That's not the first time I've had that dream. Every night, for about a month now. The same dream, and I've never been able to save her. Do you think it means something?" I asked him, watching as he thought hard for a moment.

"I know that my visions came true, but that was because of the Demon's blood. But I'm never going to rule something like that out. Maybe it is some sort of warning. I don't know." Sam answered, always open to unique possibilities. 


I didn't tell Sam, but my dreams didn't quit. Each and every night I would wake sweaty and shaking, with tears dried to my cheeks. The woman might not be real, but she had already slipped into my life, and somehow my heart. 

During my spare time, I tried looking her up. Using the name she had given me, I searched through police records, newspapers. I even called other hunters, trying to figure out if this person was real. Nothing ever came up, and I began to think she was just a figment of my imagination. Which wasn't comforting at all. I had really been hoping to find her, to see if my connection to her was as real as it was in my dreams.

Another week passed, and I tried pushing the dream out of my mind. Concentrating on finding another hunt, I sat at the library day after day, a glass of whiskey beside me. About three weeks after I told Sam about my dream, I finally found a case. As I read about it, I could feel my blood pressure rising, my hope picking up once again. "Sam! Hey Sam, get in here!" I exclaimed, wondering if I was just thinking too hard. 

I heard him stumbling into the room, and when I got one look at him, I knew he wouldn't be going with me on this hunt. "Sammy, you look horrible."

"I feel horrible." He groaned. His hair was greasy and limp, his nose red and blotchy. "I think I have the flu."

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