Love Hurts-4th and Final

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  With your one good eye, you saw his Angel blade slide out of his pocket, and he held it above your heart. With your hand, you grasped his wrist, pleading with him. "Cas. I know you're in there." You said as his hand clenches around the hilt. I know you can hear me. Cas, it's me Y/N. I need you. I love you."  

As the last three words left your busted lips, tears fell down your cheek. With your eye that hadn't swollen over yet, you stared up at him, waiting for the inevitable. For him to stab your heart with his Angel Blade. It couldn't hurt any worse than the heart break he had put you through already.

Mumbling, "I love you." You watched as he face went threw a variety of emotions, and you could tell he was struggling against whoever was holding him. His hand was clenched around the handle of the blade, as it came closer and closer to your chest.

"No, I won't!" He finally yelled, closing his eyes as he dropped the blade and released the bruising grip he had on your arm. Without his support you swayed on the floor, almost falling over. 

Reaching down, he picked up the Angel Tablet, and you watched as the tablet glowed a bright yellow, the light traveling up his arm, causing his eyes to glow. Feeling so weak, you couldn't even look away from the light hurting your eyes, you watched as it cleared away, before he looked down at you.

Immediately you could tell the difference. His blue eyes were clear and focused, his forehead creased in lines as he tried to make sense of everything. As he tore his gaze away from the tablet in his hand, he gazed down at you in shock. With his free hand he reached down towards you, and you reeled back, afraid of anymore pain. Your face was bruised and bloody, with multiple fractures in your face. "Cas, no! Please, I can't take anymore!"

"I'm so sorry." Cas repeated over and over, before moving to reach down to touch your face.

"Cas, no don't touch her!" Dean yelled, finally awake. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him rushing towards Cas, tackling him and knocking him to the ground. You wanted to get up, to help them, to make sure Dean didn't kill Cas, but as you started to move you felt yourself start to black out.

"No, please." You whispered, shaking your head, crying out at the pain it caused. "Dean, please no."

He must have heard you, and his hand that was wrapped around Cas' neck stopped pressing as he looked up at you. "Y/N, he tried to kill you! He's not the man he used to be." He argued, grabbing your discarded Angel Blade in his hand.

"Dean, please. He was being controlled," You mumbled, feeling a loose tooth as you talked. 

"Is that true?" Dean asked, holding the blade to Cas' neck.

Cas nodded, his eyes glancing back to you as you held onto the shelf for support, the pain almost more than you could bear. "Naomi's been controlling me since she released me from Purgatory."

Dean pulled the blade back, still not completely trusting the Angel. With it tightly in his hand he came over to you, holding his hand out. Reaching up, you grabbed it, pulling yourself to your feet, swaying with the effort. Dean wrapped his arm around your waist, supporting you as Cas took a hesitant step forward.

"Please, let me heal you." He begged, raising his hand, causing you to flinch.

"Y/N, your injuries are severe. Please let him. I'll be right beside you." Dean insisted, and taking a deep breath you nodded to Cas.

He came much closer, his blue eyes full of guilt as he cupped your cheek gently. Holding yourself still so you wouldn't pull away, it broke your heart to know this was the man you loved who had made you timid around him.

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