Second Chances Part 2

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As you stood there, staring through the window, seeing everything you had always wished for, you felt a presence beside you. 

"Y/N." Sam said softly next to you. There was no surprise in his voice, or happiness to see you walking among the living once again. There was nothing but fact and acceptance in his tone, and the way he stood. Not looking at him, you continued to watch Dean pulling a woman into his arms, wondering why you're life had to be so different, so hard. Why you couldn't have had a little slice of that happiness before your life had been so rudely taken from you. 

"Sam, what happened? I come back to find Dean living an Apple pie life he always said he never wanted. You're standing here, not even shocked to be seeing me alive." You asked him, tearing your gaze away from the heart wrenching scene in front of you.

"Y/N, whatever you do, don't go see Dean. He's out of the life, and that's a good thing. If you come with me, I'll explain everything." He told you.

Looking back at the house once more, you felt a tear slip down your cheek as Dean leaned down, pulling the brunette woman into a kiss before pulling her up the stairs. Hardening your heart, you promised yourself you would never let your emotions get the better of you. "Okay." You told Sam, following him through the pitch black night, towards a new start.

That had been months ago, and now you found yourself with a new group of people. Falling back into hunting had been surprisingly easy. Throwing yourself head first into hunting helped heal the hole in your heart. It also helped you forget the long, horrible years you had been stuck down in hell, waiting for something, anybody to try to save you.

Sam had introduced you to his family, a family that you hadn't even known existed. His grandfather, Samuel, back from beyond the grave, just like you and Sam. Cousins, that you didn't trust, helped with cases off and on. 

It felt weird, being back here, and not being tortured by some Demon each and every day. Many times you felt yourself looking over your shoulder, thinking this was all just a dream and they would be coming for you any moment. It never happened, but you couldn't push the thought far out of your mind.

Sam, while he had been there for you, helping you get used to hunting again, wasn't the man you remembered. No longer was there the kindness, and compassion. He hunted with a scary seriousness, not caring who, or what got in his way as long as the job was done. The last case you had walked away with a broken arm, thanks to him and his lack of concerns as you almost became werewolf meat.

Now you were stuck back at their little shack on the outside of town, sitting with the annoying cousins. Samuel was gone, and you were grateful for that. He was too overbearing, too full of himself, and you didn't trust him and the real reason he came back. While you had no clue who brought you back, or why, you had a feeling Samuel did, and he wasn't releasing any information.

Sam had gone off also, no word or explanation, much like he usually did. Nursing your sore shoulder, you stayed off to the side, away from the other hunters as you skimmed through a book. But your mind wasn't on it, but the fact that you were only one town over from Dean. You hadn't seen him since that night, but he still crossed your mind, and you wondered what he was up to. If he had married that woman, and they were starting a family of their own. If they were happy, if he liked having a job that wasn't bloody.

So lost in your maudlin thoughts, you didn't hear the squeak of the shack's front door. Footsteps sounded on the rough wooden floor, and two bodies came around the corner. Glancing up, your jaw dropped as you Sam with someone you never thought you would see again. Dean looked different, but good. His clothing style was still the same, but the green flannel shirt was tucked into a pair of worn but form fitting jeans. His feet were encased in his usual pair of work boots, and he looked good. Better than he good, he looked amazing, and you wanted to rush over and throw yourself in his arms. But you made yourself stay, waiting for what he had to say.

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