By Your Side

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  Dean Winchester x Reader

"Hey sweetheart, what is this?" Dean called out, holding a fancy looking white envelope in his hands. "I found it underneath all of my records."

"Oh that. It's just a wedding invitation." You muttered, wishing you had just thrown it away in the first place. It was for your cousin's wedding, and you hadn't planned on attending.

"When is it?" He asked, plopping down on the couch next to you, but you just shrugged. You hadn't even opened the envelope. "Don't you want to go?"

"Not really. It's one of those big family functions that are awkward and annoying, and all my family will be pointing me out, wondering why I'm still unmarried. I'm the oldest of my cousins, and I'm not married. Hell, I haven't even had a steady boyfriend for as long as I can remember. If I went, it would just remind me what a big failure I am in my family's eyes." You mumbled, telling Dean a lot more than you had planned to. But it was true. You were like the black sheep in the family. While the rest of your cousins were going to college, getting married and having babies, you had nothing you could tell them, or make them proud of you. And after a while, their hushed whispers and pointed looks hurt.

"I think you should go." Dean insisted. "Don't let them make you feel that way, because you are nowhere near a failure. You're an amazing person. And after all, you wouldn't be alone." He hinted at, and you raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll go with you."

"You?" You asked. Never had you imagined that Dean would volunteer to go to a stiff, uptight wedding.

"Sure, it could be fun. Besides, isn't there usually free food and drinks at a wedding?" He teased, making you feel a little bit better about the whole thing.

"Fine, as long as you're with me, I guess I could go." You muttered, grabbing the envelope and opening. "I don't even know when the wedding is." Looking down at the invitation, your eyes widened when you realized it was only two days away. Quickly, you sent off a text message to your cousin, wondering if it was too late. "I don't even have a dress!" You exclaimed as your cousin texted right back, excited to have you there.

"We'll stop on the way. If we leave now, we can stop for clothes and make it there in time. I'll just tell Sam he's on his own for a couple of days." Dean threw over his shoulder as he made his way out of your room. Still feeling more than a little nervous and unsure about the whole thing, you quickly packed your bag, reaching into the depths of your closet for clothes that you hardly ever worn. They weren't the usual flannels, ripped jeans and boots that you wore while hunting.


Dean drove quickly down the hallway, glancing curiously at you, as you stared quietly out the window at the scenery passing by. "Y/N, if this is upsetting you this much, we don't have to go." He finally said, reaching over and squeezing your hand. "I didn't mean to force you."

"No, I should go. She's my cousin, and I love her. I just hate things like this, you know?" You mumbled, stifling a squeal when Dean grabbed you, pulling you across the seat until you were pressed tight to his side.

"We'll go, make our rounds, even have a few drinks. Show your family that you're not completely hopeless." He started, winking at you. "After all, you did manage to catch me."

"They'll love you." You told him truthfully. He was handsome and charming, and you knew he would have your aunts and grandma swooning in no time.

"Good. Then we can get them off your back. So you can just relax and enjoy yourself." He insisted. Slowing down, he pulled into a small shopping center, a dress store sitting next to a men's store. After handing you his credit card, he made you promise to pick whatever dress you wanted, no matter the price. Of course, since it was a fraudulent credit card, he didn't care, but the gesture was still nice. Stepping into the building, you felt immediately out of place. The women were all dressed nicely, their hair perfectly coiffed, while yours was down. Looking you up and down, one woman raised an eyebrow.

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