Blanketed Confessions

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Jensen x Reader

Taking another tissue from the box beside you, you loudly blew your nose, tossing it into the trashcan beside you. Your eyes were red and puffy from all of the crying, and you knew your hair looked a fright. None of that mattered now. You had been dumped, and only days before Christmas.

Tyler had seemed perfect. Maybe too perfect it seemed like now that you looked back on your relationship with him. He had been handsome and sweet from the beginning. A doctor in Texas, you had met at one of the fancy gala's your best friend had forced you to attend. Things had seemed to spark instantly, and you had found yourself at fancy restaurant with him two nights later.

Things had been going so smooth that you had invited him to your families Christmas get together. Planning on flying home with him, introducing him to everyone, while trying to contain your hope that this would be the perfect moment for him to propose.

Instead, you had walked in on him at his office earlier this morning, planning on bringing him his favorite coffee before his big meeting. You hadn't expected to see one of the nurses on her knees in front of him, his hands gripping the back of her head as his naked hips moved forward. Glancing up as you walked in, he didn't even seem apologetic. "I guess this means we're through." He had announced as the nurse started to stand up.

Shaking his head at her, he kept her on her knees, before turning his steely gray gaze back your way. "Y/N, I'm sorry, you've been sweet, and kind, and that's the problem. I want more, need more than you can give. So, I think we need to go our own ways now." He had calmly told you, not even caring that he was caught with his trousers down.

"Screw you Tyler." You had yelled, turning on your heels and striding out of the office. Keeping your face calm, your tears at bay had been harder than you imagined, and by the time you made it back to your car, your mascara had run, the tears slipping down your cheek. Of course, this was the moment your best friend called you.

Knowing he would be relentless until you picked up, you took a deep breath, hoping that your heart break wouldn't announce itself over the line. "There's my favorite girl!" Jensen exclaimed on the other end of the line. But even his happy attitude couldn't fix yours.

"Hey Jay. Listen, can I call you back?" You tried, your voice cracking from your tears.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked, the happiness instantly turned to seriousness once he realizes that you're not in the best mood.

"I can't talk about it now. Please, I'll talk to you later." You whispered, hanging up on him, feeling even worse for doing so. But you couldn't do it. You couldn't talk to him. With that deep rumble of his, and the way he cared for you. You would have been bawling into the phone within seconds, and you didn't want him to know how pathetic your life truly was.

Instead, you shut off your phone, before heading straight back home. Luckily, you hadn't moved in with Tyler yet, so you didn't have to go back to a shared place. After locking yourself in, you changed into your comfiest clothes you could find. An old sweatshirt that had belonged to Jensen a long time ago, and a pair of fuzzy leggings. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you had fallen onto the couch, finally letting the tears fall as they wanted.

That's where you still were, hours later. Your tears had finally dried up, your mouth full of cotton from your tears. Your entire body ached, and your house had turned cold. But you didn't care. Your heart was broken. Maybe not from getting so rudely dumped by Tyler. But because it made you realize you were all alone, and would probably always be so.

None of your boyfriends ever stuck around longer than a couple of months. That's why you thought Tyler had been so special. He had stayed, always there when you had needed him. Or that's what you had thought, but after seeing him today, it made you wonder how many nurses he had been with. How many people he had cheated with.

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