Normal no longer

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Just the thought of heading back home to your boyfriend had a smile on your face as you lounged in the backseat of the Impala. Living two lives was not something you had ever thought would happen. Hunting with your best friends Sam and Dean, while having a normal relationship with your boyfriend of three years. Everything seemed perfect, smoother running than you could have ever imagined.

Levi was everything you could have imagined in a boyfriend. Sweet, kind, always surprising you with flowers, or little gifts left throughout the house you shared.

Sure, as with most relationships, there were issues. He often hated the fact that you were gone, weeks at a time, traveling about with two men. It was hard, knowing that he had no idea what you really did for a job, unable to tell him for his own safety.

That's why you couldn't wait to be home. To be back with Levi, spending the evening in his arms, forgetting all about this horrible hunt you had just finished. Maybe even ordering take out before falling into bed with him, staring into those chocolate colored eyes of his, forgetting about all the horror you had witnessed.

"Ready to be back with what's his name?" Dean asked you, the disgust for your boyfriend evident in his tone of voice. For some reason, ever since you had first started dating Levi, Dean had been standoffish, never calling him by name, never wanting to spend any time with him. It hurt, but you didn't let it affect your relationship with either man.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see Levi again," you answered, putting an emphasis on Levi's name, even though you knew it would make no difference. "Thanks again for dropping me off."

"No problem sweetie," Dean answered as he pulled up in front of the house. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Dean, I'll be fine." You assured him, taking your bag from the backseat, stepping out of the car and making your way up the sidewalk. Levi's car was already in the driveway, and you pushed the door open, tossing your keys onto the little stand by the door.

"Levi, I'm home!" You called out, shutting the door behind you, seeing Levi standing at the window, a frown on his face as he watched Dean pull away.

"I thought you would have been home a couple of days ago," he muttered, turning to finally face you. His arms were crossed over his chest, his face molded into a sneer you had never seen from him before.

"I know honey, and I texted you that the job was running over. I got home as quickly as I could," you tried to assure him as he took a step closer to you.

"Somehow I don't believe that," he spat. He was dressed for a day on the mountains, a heavy flannel shirt, faded jeans, and you could faintly see the bulge of a knife or gun on his side. "See you were dropped off by that sleazeball that you call your partner."

"His name is Dean, and he's not a sleazeball," you argued, taking a step back when you noticed the way his hands were clenched. Sure, he had shown jealousy towards Dean on more than one occasion, but never to this extent. "We were just on a job, and it ran a little late. But you know that Dean's my friend, nothing more. You're the man I love. The man I come home to."

"Is that true?" He asked, but you were afraid he had already made up his mind. "Because you seem a little too comfortable with him. You spend more time with him than you do me, and I'm just supposed to trust your word?"

"Isn't that's what happens in a relationship?" You asked him, as he continued to step closer to you. Never fearing him before, you couldn't help how fast your heart was racing, the way your eyes closely watched his hands. "Don't we trust each other because we love each other?"

"No, I don't think so. I think love is blind, and stupid, and I've been both too long. Blind to the fact that my girlfriend is a slut for those stupid Winchesters, whatever job you really do with them? Is there even a job, or are you spending most of the time on your knees?"

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