Hasty Decisions

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With gravel digging through your jeans, into your knees, you continued to kneel as tears poured down your cheeks, landing in the dust covered rocks. Your back ached from leaned forward for so long, but that didn't matter. None of the pain you felt right now mattered.

Your lungs still ached for breath, your breath caught on a sob. It was torture, and you didn't care. All that mattered was the scene that still haunted your vision, and the heartache that went with it.

Things had been going so smoothly at the beginning. Happiness had been at an all-time high. Sam and Dean were smiling and laughing, joking with each other, and you. Dean had been handsy, to the point you had taken a quick detour around the alley to relieve some of that need.

But as quickly as the tides turn, so did your luck. What was going to be the crowning achievement in your long history of hunting turned into something much more than that. Something worse, that would bring you nightmares for the rest of your life.

Shuddering, you could still recall the sense of trepidation as you walked through the caves, your footsteps soft in the sand. Sam was in front of you, his flashlight lighting the way as Dean took up the end. It was a Wendigo, the same one that had taken your parents from you so long ago. It had finally been tracked to this forest, these series of caves, and Sam and Dean had both promised you the revenge you so thought you needed.

With your flare torch in your hand, ready in a moment to burn the son of a bitch who had taken your life from you, you kept your eyes open for any sign of him. "Y/N, stay behind me." Sam warned you, his own homemade flame thrower in his hand.

"Sam..." You started to argue, but you felt Dean's hand on your waist.

"Y/N, you've never hunted something like this before. Let Sam take the lead. You'll be there for the kill, that's what should matter. That the thing dies." Dean whispered.

Rounding a corner, you frowned even though they couldn't see it. You wanted the kill for yourself. Needed it like you needed air. This Monster had taken your family from you, and you wanted to be the one to kill it. Sam and Dean should be able to understand that.

As Sam continued to walk, you glanced to your side, seeing the shadows of people hanging in the far reaches of the cave. With both Sam and Dean whispering to each other, you made the hasty decision to continue by yourself. With your hand on the side of the cave for support, your other hand still holding on to the flare gun, you headed straight for the victims. Hoping to save at least one, you checked each one for signs of life.

"Y/N!" Dean yelled, both brothers racing towards you. In your haste to help the people, you hadn't noticed the other entrance into the cave, or the huge, lurking figure of the Wendigo as it stalked you.

"Dean, get Y/N!" Sam yelled, fumbling with his flame thrower as the monster moved as if it was coming to you. Before Dean could reach you, you saw the Monster turn his attention from you, to the man who was threatening his very existence. With an inhuman growl, it's claws sliced through Sam's layers of clothing as if they were butter. Hearing him scream out in pain, you were frozen in your spot, watching as he fell to the ground.

"Damn it Y/N, use your flare gun!" Dean yelled, but you didn't move, as memories of the last time you were with a Wendigo flashed through your head. Snatching Sam's flame thrower from the ground, Dean quickly turned it on the Wendigo, it's horrifying screams echoing through the caves.

As soon as it fell to the ground, Dean was kneeling next to his brother, his eyes frantic as he saw the blood soaking his brother's shirt. "Hold on Sammy, it will be okay." He assured his brother, but you could see a different story in his eyes.

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