It's Too Late

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Dean Winchester x Reader

It was hard. Falling in love with a man who never really knew you existed. At least as a woman with a heart. Sure, he knew you were there, often by his side during hunts. Sitting across from him at the table, researching into the middle of the night. Sleeping in the same motel bed so Sam could have one bed by himself. There were the times the two of you would have a blast, sitting a bar, drinking beer and sharing stories. Those nights you would wonder, maybe finally he was seeing you as something other than a friend. Then a fellow hunter.

All it would take is one sly look from the pretty waitress, or woman at the end of the bar and he would be off, not even realizing he was leaving you on your own. Not realizing that with each woman he left with, he was trampling your heart further and further into the ground.

Sam knew your feelings for his brother, and often pleaded with you to finally say something. So, you tried, on multiple occasions. Dressing up when the two of you went to the bar, taking that little extra step. Sure, his eyes might have traveled down to the cleavage showing for once, before his attention once again turned to the waitress in her skimpy skirt and bright red lipstick.

You tried in other ways to make him see you, to make him see that you were right there, and you were head over heels in love with him. Covering yourself in flour, you had made him his own special pie, but that night he never came home, and you ended eating a slice as you sat there, tears silently falling onto the table.

Sam had pleaded with you not to stop. That his brother was dense and it would take some time for him to realize how much you meant to him. So, you pasted a smile on your face, hoping that Sam wasn't sending you into another round of heartache. This time, you decided to go all out. Dean had promised to be home that night, after you had pleaded with him for a night in. He had a couple of errands to run, then he would be home. That's what he had said earlier that day.

Rushing around, you had gotten your plan going, Sam wishing you well as he left the Bunker for the night. Making sure there was Dean's favorite food cooked and ready on the table, another pie warming in the over, you had made your way into your bedroom. Pulling out the plastic bag in the back of your closet, you stared at the dress packed safely inside. It was a black dress, one you hadn't had the chance to wear yet. It was short, barely brushing the middle of your thigh, the skirt tight against your skin. The front plunged low, showing off your cleavage to its best advantage. It was a sexy dress, one you had always wanted to wear for Dean, but had never had the chance.

Sliding into a set of matching black lace lingerie, you shimmied into the dress, smoothing it down over your hips. Sliding your feet into a pair of black patent leather heels, you refluffed your hair, knowing that you looked good. If Dean didn't look at you now, then you would never have a chance with him.

With hands shaking because of nerves, you made your way back into the library, knowing Dean should be home any time soon. Sitting there nervously, you glanced at the door, waiting for the moment he would walk through the door.

Time passed, and you moved the food from the table to the kitchen, placing it into the oven beside the pie to keep it warm. With a large glass of wine beside you, you sat there, watching as the hands on the clock kept moving. An hour past, and then two. With tears in your eyes, you knew then, that Dean would never care for you as you cared for him. Not bothering to wipe the tears away, you made your way back to the kitchen, shutting the oven off and placing the plates, and the pie in the fridge.

Not even bothering to change from your dress, you threw a flannel over it, quickly and quietly packing your suitcase. There was no way you could stay here, live a life with the two of them when you knew that you could never have Dean.

With one last glance around the now empty room, you began lugging it down the hallway, walking awkwardly in your heels. As you rounded the corner, you heard the front door finally open, and Dean stumbled inside. Wondering if you should just turn on your heel, head into the garage, you had your decision made for you.

"Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, stumbling down the stairs. "Look at you! You're all dressed up!"

"Yes, I guess I am." You answered, your voice cold as you tried to control the tears that still threatened to fall.

"Who's the lucky man?" He asked, reaching for the whiskey bottle.

"You." You answered quietly. "But that's a wish gone down the drain."

"What?" He asked, suddenly standing upright and actually looking at you. But his attention was too late. You were done getting your heart broken over and over.

"I'm done. I'm done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction." You told him, the tears slipping down your cheek. "Dean, I've been in love with you, and you've never even noticed. You've slammed my heart into the ground over and over, and you haven't even realized it. So, I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago. I'm leaving. Tell Sam bye for me." You said, turning and heading down the garage.

Your knees buckled when you realized he wasn't even coming after you, that he was letting you go. Your vision blurry from the tears, you bumped into the wall, before finally making it to your car. Tossing your suitcase in, you started the car, turning to see Dean standing there, watching you. "You look beautiful tonight." He told you. "How have I been so freaking stupid?"

"Dean, it doesn't matter..." You started to say, but he stopped you.

"It does matter!" He yelled. "Because I've been so blind, I'm losing my best friend, a girl who I could have fallen for easily."

"It's too late Dean. I'll miss you, and the bunker. Hunting with you, singing along to your cheesy rock songs. I'll miss all of it. But I'll miss you the most Dean. It will be hard, but I'll get over you, someday." You whispered, before sliding into your car, driving away.

Through your rear-view mirror, you saw Dean standing there, his whiskey bottle flying from his hands, smashing into the wall before he fell to his knees. But you couldn't turn back now. Your mind was made up. If you turned back now, the heartbreak would be even wors

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