Hidden Obsessions

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Jensen x Reader

Prompt: With Jensen filming, the reader decides to spend the evening binge watching a new show. But he comes home early, surprising her in more ways than one.

Pop, pop, pop. You could hear your popcorn in the kitchen as you quickly raced up stairs, changing into a pair of sweatpants and one of Jensen's old t-shirts that still held his unique scent in the cotton. Racing back down, your sock covered feet almost slid off the last stair, and you caught yourself at the last moment.

Heading into the kitchen, you pulled your popcorn from the microwave, before taking your drink from the fridge. All ready to go, you made your way into the living room, your favorite place in the entire house. Full of windows facing your backyard, the lake visible through the trees, it also held a large, 60-inch TV that you were planning on parking in front of for at least the next couple of hours.

Pressing a button, the curtains descended, blocking out the evening sun. Settling onto the couch, you pulled a blanket over your lap, grabbing your phone and remote as you went. Jensen, your fiancée, wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow at the earliest, but you were surprised when he hadn't texted you yet today. Usually during breaks you would get a sweet little text from him, or if you were lucky, a video chat. But so far nothing today, and you were a little worried.

Deciding you would call him in an hour if you still hadn't returned from him, you turned your attention back to the TV. You were beyond excited. Your Firefly DVD's had come in the mail just that morning, and you've been wanting to watch the show for quite some time. With no big plans tonight, you planned on binging as much as possible.

Turning the first episode on, you watched the opening credits, then when what seemed like the two main characters, Mal and Zoe fought in some sort of war. Totally immersed within the first five minutes, you didn't hear the garage door opening.

"Y/N!" Jensen exclaimed from the hallway, startling you so much that your popcorn went flying everywhere. Pausing the show, you glanced down at the popcorn covering the rug before quickly striding out of the room, rushing up to Jensen and throwing your arms around him.

"What are you doing home?" You asked him, your cheek pressed to his chest. He smelled of sunshine, and mint, and the new cologne you had bought him.

"Filming actually went fast for once. I thought you might like the surprise. Unless you had other plans?" He teased, and you smacked him playfully on the shoulder.

"Just watching a new TV show." You told him. "But first I must clean up the popcorn that you made me spill, and make some more."

"New show?" He asked. Pressing your lips to his scruffy cheek, you passed him to get to the broom. Coming back, you saw him already in the living room, a huge smile on his face. "Firefly? You're watching firefly?"

"Yeah. I've been wanting to watch it for a while now, and the DVD's finally came in today." You explained as you began sweeping up the popcorn.

"I freaking love Firefly. I actually auditioned to be on the show." He admitted, and you gazed up at him in shock.

"No way." You insisted, but he nodded, extremely excited.

"No, it's true!! It sounded cool, and it was before Supernatural started. I wanted to be Mal, but they said I was too young. Almost got the part of the Doctor though. Which would have been too bad, because I had Mal's complete outfit." He continued, his hands clapping together in excitement.

"You had Mal's costume? Even before you got the part?" You asked him, the spilled popcorn forgotten as you learned something new and interesting about your fiancée.

"Wait, I might still have it!" He answered, rushing from the room. Shaking your head, you had a huge smile on your face as you turned back to the popcorn. Sweeping it all back up, you made your way into the kitchen. Grabbing Jensen a beer, you waited for the new batch of popcorn, hearing rustling from upstairs.

When the popcorn was done, and he still wasn't back yet, you went back into the living room, settling back with your popcorn, Jensen's licorice, and your blanket wrapped around you.

"Wash, we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss." Jensen's voice boomed out, sounding deeper, much like the character Dean that he played. No doubt saying a line from Firefly. Waltzing into the room, you couldn't hide the huge smile on your face. Wearing old school khaki pants, with a reddish, brown buttoned-down shirt tucked inside, he had on tall, brown leather calf boots to go with them. A long brown leather duster completed the outfit, and in his hand, was an old looking revolver.

"Really? You still had it?" You asked him, admitting to yourself that he looked extremely hot dressed like that.

"Yep." He announced, plopping on the couch next to you, his booted feet propped up on the coffee table. "When I didn't get the job I wanted, I still watched it. It was intriguing, and I couldn't help myself. I loved it, and hated when they canceled it."

"I never imagined you as a fangirl." You told him, leaning over and cuddling against him. Handing him his beer, you held onto the popcorn bowl.

"Hell yeah. It was a good show. Shouldn't have been canceled that fast. But at least it still has a following." He answered. "Do you mind if I join in your binge watch of it? It's been a while since I've watched it?"

"Of course not!" You insisted. "As long as you don't mind ordering pizza for dinner. It was going to be a lazy day."

"Those are my favorite types of days. Especially if it means I get to hold you in my arms." He answered cheekily, pulling you tighter against him as he pressed the play button on the remote.

Soon, Malcolm filled the screen, wearing the same outfit as Jensen, and you couldn't help but chuckle to yourself. Sure, you and Jensen had been together for a while now, but it amazed you all the stuff you were still learning about him. Like his hidden obsession with the show Firefly. 

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