No Such Thing as Happy Endings

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Dean x Reader

Synopsis: Prompt from Tumblr. Dean is captured by Demons, along with a woman(the reader). Being drawn to her instantly, he tries everything to keep her safe, only to face heartbreak later on. *Not a very happy story**

The prompt: He didn't even know her name, yet he felt sorry for her, for the pain she was going to live through. 

Three days. That's how long Dean had  been down in this hell hole. He knew he really wasn't in Hell, for there was no smell of brimstone, and he could just make out the light of the sun peaking through the boarded up window on the far side of the room he was being held in. 

This hunt had started out easy enough. He and Sam had driven in to town, checking into one of the shabby motels they usually inhabited. After questioning the local authority and the medical examiner, they knew exactly what they were dealing with, Demons. Then it came the matter of finding the Demon's hiding place. While Sam had been researching like crazy, Dean had needed a break. Leaving to find dinner for the two of them,  he never made it back to the motel. As he  climbed out of the Impala, something heavy hit the back of his head, knocking him to the ground, his body growing lax as he fell unconscious. 

Waking up, Dean found himself in this cold room, a cell of cement with one boarded up window. Chained to a heavy metal chair, his legs and arms both wrapped tightly with no give at all. Hours passed before his captors came, evil grins on their faces and a tool chest in their hands. 

"The famous Dean Winchester." The ring leader, a man he came to know as Dageus, said in a rough accent as he rubbed his hands together. "We are going to have so much fun together."

Their fun came in the form of torture. With knives, pliers, even a torch, they tortured Dean each day, to the point of unconsciousness. With blood pooling around him, his head would rest against the wall, but he refused to give them the satisfaction of his screams. Staying silent as they inflicted their pain, Dean's eyes would stare hatefully into their pitch black ones, letting them know he would kill them the second he became free. 

"You know your brother isn't coming to save you. It's just you and us now. And we have plenty of revenge to exact. All of our brothers and sisters you've killed or tortured for your own gain. It's time you felt what they did." Dageus threatened before slamming the knife down into Dean's thigh. Closing his eyes, Dean bit his lip so hard it bled, but still, he refused to make a sound. 

Frustrated, they left, finally leaving him to his own misery. Soon, the little sliver of sun left, leaving him in pitch black, and he wondered how much longer he would survive in here. He had faith in Sam, but he didn't want Sam risking his own life to save his. He had prayed to Cas, letting the Angel know he was alive, praying for him to help Sam find him, but Dean wasn't sure if Cas was even able to hear his prayers this time.

After the third day, Dean heard the door open, his mind fuzzy from lack of nutrition and blood. Blinking his blood crusted eyes open, he watched in horror as they brought in a beautiful woman, her body laying limply in their arms as they carried her to the set of chains on the wall across from his. "We brought you company." Dageus explained happily, as they tossed her to the ground before chaining her up. Her h/c hair was in tangles, her face pale with a vivid purple bruises forming on her jaw. Otherwise she was untouched, not yet having been attacked by the brutal Demons.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Dean muttered, still pulling hard on his restraints, wanting nothing more than to kill the Demons and rescue the poor innocent girl.

"Because Hell is in chaos, and we're bored. Happening upon you was just icing on the cake. And now you get to watch us tear this girl apart." Dageus goaded, his hand running through the girl's hair, and Dean wanted nothing more than to tear the Demon's hand off. "Soon." Dageus wickedly promised the girl, before locking the door behind him, leaving the two of you in pitch black darkness.

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