Field of Dreams

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Sam x Reader

With the last dish drying on the towel, you wiped your hands on your jeans. The kitchen was clean, cleaner than it had been in months. Cookies were baked and stored where Dean wouldn't find and eat them all. Pies were made, some frozen for later, an apple pie saved for tonight. You had even gone so far to make some dinners for the future, freezing them as well in that large, industrial fridge.

You were ready for a quiet evening. Maybe a movie with Sam in your room, cuddled under the blankets. Or maybe an evening to yourself where you could sit and read that book you had completely forgotten about. Anything but think about the next job that would no doubt be happening soon.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" Sam called out, leaning in as he searched for you. He had a huge smile on his face, a lock of hair falling in front of his eye no matter how many times he pushed it back.

"Just finishing up," you answered, reaching up and taking a couple of cookies from their hiding spot. Handing one to Sam, you wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. It was your favorite thing to do, snuggling into his embrace. The safest place you could imagine.

"So I was wondering if we could go out tonight," Sam spoke, his chest vibrating as he spoke.

"Like a date?"

He chuckled, and you snuggled deeper into his arms, the smell of old books and an earthy spice filling your nostrils. "Yes, like a date. We just haven't had time for one in a while....and I thought it would be nice."

You smiled. "It has been quite some time since it's just been you and I," you answered. "I can't wait."

"Good! Dress warm, and I'll meet you at the Impala in twenty minutes," he explained, quickly ghosting his lips over your cheek before bounding down the hallway. You watched him go, his hair flouncing with each step, his movements more joyous than you had seen in a long time.

Taking a bite out of the chewy chocolate chip cookie, you sat down at the industrial table. You were excited for tonight. Even hopeful that it could turn into something more. You had been with Sam for almost two years, and while you knew a normal life was out of the question, you still couldn't help but hope and wonder that just maybe...

Taking a deep breath, you left the kitchen behind, passing Dean in the library to your bedroom. "Dress warm," you mumbled, staring at your closet. Pulling out a wine colored sweater, you paired it with your favorite jeans. Warm socks and your nicer boots completed the outfit, along with your down jacket. Holding it over your arm, you arrived at the garage just as Sam did.

He must have gotten dressed somewhere else. Dressed in a warm woolen pullover, he had his coat thrown in the backseat, along with blankets and a basket.

"Ready?" He asked, starting the car.

"How did you get away with taking the Impala?" You asked him, watching as the Bunker faded away. It was Autumn, the trees all around changing into vibrant oranges, rusty reds and golden yellows. The air smelled musty and earthy, and if it hadn't been so chilly you would have rolled your window down.

"I made a deal. One that you don't want to know about," Sam muttered, reaching over and grasping your hand. You watched as he nervously nibbled on the inside of this mouth, his other hand tapping the steering wheel.

"So, where are we going?" You asked him, squeezing his hand encouragingly.

"That's a surprise," he told you.

You scooted over, leaning your head on his shoulder, watching as the sun set behind you. Sam drove away from town, turning on a graveled road. Trees turned into fields before Sam finally pulled to a stop. "Come on," he said, taking the items in the backseat, reaching out to hold your hand as well. You grasped it willingly, walking through the freshly picked corn field, making sure you didn't trip in the darkened evening.

Sam came to the end of the field, turning to his left, and you followed him, wondering exactly where he was taking you. But as soon as the corn field ended you knew immediately why he was here. The area in front of you was clear, except for the small pond and gazebo in front of you. An old house sat off to the side, it's windows long since boarded up. It should have looked creepy, but with the stars lighting the sky, it seemed almost serene. "I accidentally came upon this place a couple of years ago. On a ghost hunt. I've always liked this place, and often come here to think."

"I'd actually like a place like this. Well, maybe not the rundown house. But a house, surrounded by nature. With windows. I'd like windows," you said as Sam spread the blanket on the floor of the gazebo.

"Me too. It's actually what I dreamed about, growing up. Getting out of this life, maybe becoming a lawyer. Having a family."

"It sounds nice," you sighed, imagining it, knowing that you would want it with Sam at your side.

"Here," he said, handing you an individual bottle of wine, taking a beer bottle for himself. "I've been wanting to share this with you for a while. And tonight seemed like a perfect night for it."

Leaning back the railing, you smiled up at him. "Thank you for sharing."

He sat his beer down, turning to face you. "That's not only the reason. Y/N, we've been together for what? Two years? I never imagined meeting someone as amazing as you, let only falling in love with you. You've made this life so much better than it ever could have been, and I know I want you by my side for as long as we live. I brought you out here to ask for the honor of you becoming my wife."

Your hopes and dreams coming true, you threw your arms around him, never even noticing the ring box he held in his hands. "Of course I will marry you! Sam, I love you so much," you exclaimed.

"That's great! But wait, don't you want to see the ring?

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