Three Weeks

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Sam Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: Kidnapped and tortured for three weeks, you refused to give up information. Ready for death, you are shocked when two familiar figures come to the rescue.

Three weeks. That's how long it's been since you had been tossed down in this damp, dark pit. Three weeks since you had last seen the sun, had a bath, or laid your eyes on Sam. What you would give to see his gorgeous hazel eyes, have him smile at you as he held out his hand, leading you into the bedroom the two of you shared in the bunker.

Twenty one days you had been beaten and bruised, left cold and sore on the cold, cement floor, with nothing, not even a scrap of fabric to keep you warm. Food was tossed in occasionally, usually a moldy slice of bread, or a piece of meat that tasted like nothing you had ever eaten before. At first you had turned your nose to it, but hunger soon settled in, and even the grossest food was nothing you could turn away. 

With nothing else to do, you used your jagged nail, digging at the wall, marking the passing of each long, torturous day. Sometimes they would come, holding you still while they asked you the same questions over and over. Each time they pertained to Sam and his brother. Wanting to know where the tablet was, and any other information they could get. You were tight lipped, refusing to answer no matter how hard they hit, or how deep they dug with a knife. 

Other days they would leave you alone, with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. These were almost worst than the torture. You could handle the pain, it reminded you were alive, and that somewhere, out there, Sam was searching for you. But on these days, with nothing, not even a light to keep you company, your mind wandered. Creating viscous stories, telling yourself that you would die alone, in this filthy room of yours. Clutching your head, you tried to make it stop. The voice in your head that kept telling you Sam had given up, that he was glad you were out of the way. That you would be the Demon's plaything until they grew bored with you, and your broken and lifeless body was tossed to the hell hounds.

Today was not one of those days, you quickly realized as the heavy metal door opened, and two burly men stepped inside. The same two men that had been sent in each and every time, with their black eyes, and the evil scowl marks around their mouths. In their hands they held various instruments of torture, while their boss walked slowly in behind them. She was tall and lithe, with her flaming red hair piled high upon her head. Her outfit of choice, that she made sure never to dirty, was a black leather coat, and t-shirt, with a female devil on it. Your room was too dark to see the wording, but occasionally she sauntered close enough you could make out the picture. "How are we doing this morning Y/N?" She asked you, as her henchmen stood off to the side, waiting for her slightest movement. Ready to grab you and try to make you speak.

"Peachy." You muttered, refusing to break like they wanted you to. Three weeks was a long time, and most people would have broken by now. But you, you were a hunter, and you knew better than to give up some important information. They wouldn't save you if you did, you knew that.

"I do adore that sass of yours." She purred. "But it's getting you know where. Tell me what I want, and we will let you go back to that lanky hunter of yours."

"Yeah right. I tell you what you want, you're just going to kill me. So why not get it over with, and save yourself some time." You retorted. But it was true. You were tired of being in this place, tired of being left in the dark, and being cold and so sore that you couldn't hardly even move. What you would give to feel the sun on your face, to taste your favorite food once more. All hope of that ever happening had slowly diminished the longer you had been locked inside, and you were ready for the pain to be over.

Crouching down in front of you, she surprised you when she ran her hand along your cheek. "I see why Sam's so infatuated with you. Why he's tearing the world apart looking for you. Too bad we have you so well hidden he will never find you. You will die in this room, on that frigid floor, with nothing but a knife sticking out of your chest. Unless you give me what I want."

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