Not What it Seems

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Dean x Reader

Voices whispered in the room, hushed conversations in the safety of a lightless room. Away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears. It was a safe room, with your most trusted friend helping you.

"I'm going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles and a bottle of vodka." You whispered to Sam, whose eyes were wide as he stared down at the bowl in front of you. "Make that chicken thighs along with the chicken blood. This handwriting is hard to read."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked you, not seeming convinced about what the two of you were currently doing. "I just don't think this sounds like..."

"Sam, you agreed with me earlier. This needed to be done, and it needs to be done now." You insisted, the darkness straining your vision. "We have no other choice."

"I just don't like it." Sam mumbled under his breath before he turned towards the paper bag on the counter, pulling out the needed ingredients. Placing the candles in a circle on the table, he turned back towards the bag, pulling out the bag of chicken, frowning at the bloody chicken inside.

"Sam, you're a hunter, and you're squeamish over a bag of bloody chicken?" You teased, taking it from him. "Don't forget the vodka!"

Grateful to be relieved of the bag, Sam turned back, pulling a large bottle of vodka from the paper bag. Opening the bottle, he took a healthy sip before handing it to you. Holding it up to your mouth, taking another healthy sip before pouring some into the large metal bowl in front of you.

Working quickly, you added the chicken and a little bit of the blood to the ingredients already inside, using your hands as written down on the faded piece of paper in front of you. Sam turned away, reaching into his coat to retrieve the lighter from his inside pocket. "Sam, it's time. Light the candles."

Sam worked quickly, lighting the 7 candles placed around the bowl, and you reached into the special pouch off to the side. The pouch had come with the instructions, and you had opened it to smell a multitude of herbs, all ground and mixed together to create a heady combination.

With your hand full of the earthy red mixture, you sprinkled it through the candles, each flame bursting as the herbs connected with them. With quite a bit still left in your hands, you dumped it into the bowl, mixing it into the rest of the ingredients. "It's ready." You told Sam, holding the bowl up just as the door burst open and Dean came striding into the room.

He was just tilting the beer up to his mouth when he froze, his eyes widening as he took in the scene in front of him. You knew it looked worse than it was, and you waited to see if Sam would start explaining, or if you would have to.

It took the beer leaking out of the bottle and down his shirt to wake him from his frozen state. Placing the bottle down on the counter, he crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at you and Sam. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Dean, it's not what it looks like..." Sam started to explain, holding his hands out as if he had no part in this.

"Y/N got this note from Rowena, and this powder of herbs, and she wanted to try it out. I promised to help, but..." Sam jumbled his words together in his haste to explain to his brother.

"You're actually following something Rowena gave you?" Dean's voice rose an octave as he took a step forward. "I never thought you would be stupid enough to follow anything of Rowena's! She's a witch! One that's killed hundreds of people with her spells!"

"It didn't seem like a big deal." You muttered, your eyes downcast at the bowl in front of you. "It was just a simple..."

"Nothing with Rowena is simple!" Your boyfriend exclaimed, coming over and grabbing you by the shoulders. "No doubt this is her way to get back to us. Maybe even try to steal back the spell books we refuse to let her take. You need to stop it now, and throw everything away. Now!" He ordered, reaching around you to try and blow out the candles.

"I think I'm just going to sneak out of here." Sam whispered, leaving you to clean up the mess and argue with Dean. As Dean blew out one of the candles, you reached for the bottle of vodka, raising it to your lips and gulping it down.

"Whoa Y/N!" Dean grabbed the bottle away from you. "What is going on with you tonight? First all the lights are off in the bunker, then I come to find you and Sam running some sort of spell. But not just any spell, a spell by the worst witch herself!! And here I thought we were just going to have a nice night in, dinner and maybe a movie."

Tears welled up in your eyes. "Dean, I swear this isn't what it seems like. I just wanted to do something special, and you came home a little too early."

He pulled you tight to him, wrapping his arms around you, sighing heavily. "Y/N, I'm not mad. Just disappointed, that's all. Why don't we throw this all away and head to that little Italian restaurant you love?"

"Or we could have the dinner I had planned if you let me finish it." You mumbled against his chest.

"Dinner?" He repeated, looking down at you.

"This wasn't a spell, not really. It was a specialty recipe that Rowena had given me. Something I've heard of before. There's nothing evil going on here, I promise you." You started explaining.

"But the candles, and the eerie setting, and whatever is in that bowl? It looks like a spell."

"It's not. It's an ancient dish, one that is supposed to be better than chicken noodle soup. And I know you haven't been able to kick that cold yet. I just wanted to help you." You explained, but when you looked at the bowl, you had to agree. Even though it still needed to be cooked, it looked unpleasing to the eye. "But maybe we could just go out for dinner instead."

"You did this, all of this for me?" He asked, and you nodded.

"That's so freaking sweet!" He exclaimed, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek. When you raised an eyebrow at him, he shrugged. "Still contagious."

"I just care for your, and will do anything to help you." You assured him, as he guided you out of the kitchen and into the hallway. "Even if you just want to stay home and order food in."

"And cuddle in bed?" He asked, smiling at you. Nodding, you smiled at Sam who sat at the library table. "Sounds perfect. But next time, maybe don't take advice from Rowena next time."


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