Unexpected News

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Sam Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: On your first hunt, you have news but you don't want to ruin the hunt. But a Demon has other ideas.

You could hear Sam looking for you, calling your name through out the bunker. Glancing back down at the thing in your hand, you shoved it in your pocket before rushing out of the bathroom, finding him in your shared bedroom.

"Y/N, there you are! Didn't you hear me yelling for you?" Sam asked as he walked forward. In his hand was a newspaper, and he had a huge smile on his face. It faltered a little when he took in your flushed cheeks, and your lip that you were currently nibbling on. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's okay. Why wouldn't everything be okay?" You rambled on, making him squint his eyes at you. While you were a closed book to most people, Sam had gotten through your walls, and he knew you better than you probably knew yourself. 

"You'll talk to me if something's going on. Right?" He asked, and you nodded, the item in your pocket making you uncomfortable. 

"Of course. Sam I love you, and you would be the first person I talked to." You assured him, and it seemed to work.

He shook the newspaper at you. "I found us a hunt. Something pretty small, and I was wondering if you wanted to tackle it with me?"

You stared at him in shock, wondering if he was saying what you thought he was. "Are you...A hunt? You're suggesting I go on a hunt with you?" You said, excitement making your words come out in a squeak. You had been living with the Winchesters for over a year, but you had always been pushed to research duty. Lately you had been training with Sam, getting ready for the day he finally let you hunt with him and his brother Dean.

"Well, I mean if you don't want to." He teased, turning as if to leave the room, and you behind.

"Wait, no, of course I want to go with you! But are you sure?" You asked, your hand unconsciously pressing against your pocket.

His huge smile was his answer. "Of course I'm sure. It's only a couple of towns away. If we leave now, we should be there in a couple of hours."

You listened as he described the hunt, while you pulled your small suit case down from the closet, filling it with your most comfortable items. Items you didn't care if they got torn, or bloody. Sam already had his bag packed, he always had a bag ready to go in case of an emergency, leaving it at the floor at the end of the bed. He was talking about young women being taken, their bodies found days later, their throats slit. "What do you think it is?" You asked, ready to go.

"I'm pretty sure it's a Demon, using the blood to communicate with someone in Hell. You have the Angel blade Cas gave you?" He said, leading the way past Dean, who was lounging in the library, his feet propped up on the table, a beer in his hand. 

"He's finally letting you go on a hunt?" He asked you, and you nodded. "Well, good luck, you'll do great. And I'll be here, if you need help."

"Thanks Dean." You said, before moving on, to the garage, where Sam opened the Impala's door. "We're taking the Impala?" 

Sam nodded, and you slid into the passenger seat, feeling as if you were trespassing. You were never in the front seat. This was Sam's spot. You always rode in the back, usually draped over the middle of the front seat, talking away or singing along to Dean's music.

Before you knew it, you were in the little town, it's name forgotten as you laughed at something Sam said. It was then you were reminded of the heavy weight of the item in your pocket, a weight telling you to get it over with, to tell him. It was Sam, and you knew he would be more than happy. But something made you hold back, keeping it a secret just a little bit longer.

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