Speaker Phone

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"Where's your precious little unicorn?" Meg asked as she stalked around me. She had this victorious smile on her face that I wanted nothing more than to wipe off, but I couldn't. She had me tied down to an old surgery table, the rusted metal digging uncomfortably into my back. We were in some sort of old industrial type room, far away from the hotel room I had gone to sleep in.

"Shut up bitch," I growled, tugging at the leather tight on my wrists. Gone were my weapons, along with my flannel shirt and boots. I could see them folded nicely on the floor by the door, my phone laying on top. "Y/N is no concern of yours."

Meg chuckled, twirling the old talisman that she called a necklace. "Everything is of concern to me. Even that annoying little hunter you've shacked up with."

The words dug deep, my jaw clenching. I wanted to tear her limb from limb, and it was killing me that I could do no more than sit here and listen to her hateful words. "You leave her out of this!"

She paused, slipping a knife out of her back pocket, twirling it in her hands. "Oh, that's right!" She exclaimed. "The two of you were stupid enough to try and tie the knot. Imagine...hunter's thinking they could actually get away with something normal."

I stayed silent, knowing she was itching for a fight. She wanted to goad me into anger, maybe even fear before she put her plan into motion. Narrowing her eyes, she stepped closer, my stomach clenched as she placed her hand on me. "Oh Dean...," she sighed. "You'll never be normal. Neither you, Y/N, or that brother of yours. You're hunters, and you'll die hunters. Probably alone and scared. For you? That will probably happen sooner rather than later."

"You won't get away with it," I threatened, just as my phone started ringing. Meg cocked her head before taking it off the pile, glancing at the name. "Ahh, it's your sweetheart. Shall we talk to her?"

I frantically shook my head, but she still clicked the green button, before standing back by me. "Don't you dare tip her off," she threatened, holding the knife close to my throat before pressing the speaker button.

"Dean!" Y/N exclaimed, her voice bubbly and excited, and for a moment I forgot I was tied down, kidnapped by a Demon. "You'll never believe what I found today!"

Meg nodded. Clearing my throat, I spoke, careful not to give anything away. Not yet. "What sweetheart?"

Meg rolled her eyes, but Y/N quickly continued. "My dress. I finally found my dress, and it was at the thrift store in town. The one by the ice cream shop. Remember it? Only cost me 34 dollars!"

"That's great," I choked out, tearing up at the thought that I might never get to see her in it. "I bet you look beautiful in it."

"You're too sweet," she giggled. "I also found this baker who will make a specialty cake for us. Do you remember a couple of months ago when I found the pie in the cake recipe?"

"Pie in a cake?" Meg gagged, alerting Y/N to her presence. "That sounds absolutely disgusting, but definitely something that Dean might like."

"Meg? What the hell is going on?" Y/N asked, all the happiness out of her voice, on full alert. No doubt getting ready to get a hold of Sam and Cas. But by then it would probably be too late. Meg just had that feeling about her.

"Oh your fiancee and I are spending some quality time together," she purred. "I found out we're in the same town, so I thought we could have a little get together."

"You hurt one hair on his head and I'll...," Y/N started to threaten, but Meg cut her off.

"Ooh, you mean like this?" Meg asked, reaching up, grabbing hold of my hair and tugging sharply until I grunted in pain.

"No!" Y/N called out. "Fine. What do you want?"

Meg laughed. "What do I want? I want Lucifer to rise. For him to take over and you pathetic humans to become our slaves. That's what I want."

"And kidnapping Dean? What's that have to do with your plan?" Y/N asked as Meg started running the blade along my skin, not deep enough to leave a mark.

"Fun," Meg rebutted. "Dean, his brother, you. Even that Angel who drives me crazy have been nothing but thorns in my side. So getting Dean out of the way? That's one step in the right direction."

Before Meg could hang up, I called out, wanting to give Y/N a message in case I never saw her again. "Y/N, don't do anything stupid trying to rescue me. Just remember that I love you!"

"Damn it, Dean," she muttered, her voice thick with tears. "Don't you dare give up on me! I'll find you."

"Y/N, I don't think he's going to be around long enough for you to find him. Now, why don't you be a good girl and keep you and that moose away from me? The Angel...I can handle him."

"Dean, I love you," Y/N whispered. "And I won't stop until we get this stupid demon bitch."

"How touching, but ouchie with the words," Meg muttered. "How brave are you going to be when I dump his dead body on your doorstep? Because that, my dear, is the only way you're getting your hunter back. He's as good as gone to you. Better go return that wedding dress while you can."

Y/N let out a string of curse words, and I could barely hear Sam in the background. I hoped that I could hold on until they figured out where I was. But Meg had other ideas. Setting your phone down, Meg ran the knife across my belly, cutting the fabric as she went. "I hope you have a strong stomach," she warned Y/N before she sank the knife deep in my side.

I could hear Y/N screaming, Meg laughing gleefully, but it was all distant to the pain radiating through my body. Meg left the phone call open as she dug into my skin, but I lost track of Y/N's voice, trying to keep my cries of pain to a minimum. If she was still on the line, I didn't want her knowing exactly how bad it was.

"Y/N, as much as I've enjoyed our time together," Meg purred. "I've got to let you go now. I think Dean's had enough, and I might be nice enough to put him out of his misery. 

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