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Dean Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: AU. A high school story. The reader can see numbers on top of people's head, telling her how dangerous they are. From one to ten. Never having seen a ten before, she becomes panicked when one transfers to her school, until she learns why he has the ten to begin with.

Your life wasn't like everyone else's. It was hard to live a normal life when you had a set of skills no one else had even heard of having. At first they had thought you had been lying, but when you continued, they had marked you off as having a mental illness. Finally, when you were starting high school, you had pretended it had gone away, just for a little piece of mind. It was hard having people staring at you, talking about you when they thought you couldn't hear. Saying how weird you were, how you would no doubt end up in a padded room before you even graduated.

It wasn't like you could kill people with your mind, or even thought you could read their minds. You could just see a red number hanging over people's heads. At first, when you were a lot younger, you hadn't even realized it was there, or what it was. But as you grew up, growing smarter, you wondered why everyone had a number, from one to ten. It took you a long time to realize those numbers measure how dangerous a person was. When your sister was born, she only had a two over her head. And she sure proved that she wasn't dangerous at all. As sweet as she could be, she was the type of girl everyone loved, even you. Then there was that boy in seventh grade that had a six over his head. He ended up breaking your heart by dating your best friend behind your back.

Only once had you seen a number nine. It was on TV, as a convicted felon was escorted to jail. The man was a serial killer, and it scared you to see what a ten would be. Mainly, you saw the numbers three through seven, most people settling into the middle. Try as you might, you had never been able to see a number over your head, making you wonder why.

Most of your teachers were numbers three through five, same as your parents. Friends were fives to sixes. Never once had you seen someone's number change during their life, and you weren't sure it could happen.

Halfway through your senior year, a new student was brought into your class, and as soon as you saw him you felt a panic attack happen. Staring his way, your pupils went wide, your heart beating so fast you thought it would escape your chest. Unable to catch a breath, you didn't want to raise your hand and risk the new student seeing you. It was your friend Mandy who noticed how pale you had become, and rose to her feet, helping you out.

"Miss Winfrow? Y/N, needs to go to the nurses stations, now!" Mandy told the teacher. It was then your teacher noticed the state you were in.

"Of course, of course. Take her there now. Um, young man. What's your name again? Can you please help Mandy out." Your teacher told the new guy, and no matter how much you wanted to argue, you couldn't get the words past your throat, and you felt dangerously close to passing out.

"The names Dean Winchester. And I don't mind at all." He said in a surprisingly deep voice for a high schooler. Without another word, he leaned down, easily picking you up in his arms. As Mandy directed him down the hallway, he carried you in his strong arms. "Shh. It's alright. Just calm down." He kept whispering over and over while you tried to get a breath through your lungs. It was hard, as you kept staring up at the red number over his head. A number 10, the first one you had ever seen.

Seconds later he was placing you down on the nurses table, while a frantic Mandy stood off to the side. As the nurse tried to calm you down, giving you a paper bag to breathe in, the boy named Dean stayed by your side, his hand grasping yours in support.

Finally, when you were feeling back to normal, the nurse ushered Mandy back to her class, but Dean refused to budge. "No ma'am, I'm staying right here until I know this girl will be okay."

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