Back in Black Part 3

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Final Part

Dean yanked on your arm so hard, you heard a terrible pop, before an excruciating pain spread throughout the entire arm. "Ooops. Think I might have dislocated your elbow." He told you, not sounding sorry at all. 

Your anguished screams filled the room, echoing down the hallway, and your arm fell limply to your side as he decided to grab your shoulder instead. "Will you shut up! Sam's probably heard you by now." 

"Dean, please..." You pleaded, not sure exactly what you were pleading for. For him to end this torment, to put you out of your misery. Anything would be better than seeing the man you love this evil. 

"I said shut up!" He said, backhanding you across the face. You would have fallen to the ground if not for the tight hold he had on your shoulder. "Now move it. I want Sam to see the nice surprise I have for him."

He shoved you into the hallway, where you almost slammed against the tiled wall. You heard the alarm sounding, the lights flashing orange. Taking a chance, you closed your eyes, knowing what would come next would hurt. "Sam, run! He's coming!" You screamed.

"You can't do what you're told, can you?" He said, before slamming your head into the wall, and you literally saw stars. Feeling a trickle of blood sliding down your already sore face, you let the tears flow along with it, giving up hope that you would make it out of this alive. That you would be able to see Dean cured and back to his goofy, adorable self.

He pulled you back to your feet, marching you down a hallway, before glancing around the corner. Happy with what he saw, he dropped you to the floor, before raising his leg and stomping hard on your knee. Hearing tissues tearing and bones popping, you moaned at the horrible pain running through your leg. "Hopefully that will make you stay down." He whispered low in your ear before standing back up, watching around the corner.

He was right. With the undoubtedly broken knee, and the dislocated elbow, you were going nowhere. Your eye was swollen shut, and you were currently seeing two of everything. As you wavered in and out of consciousness, you wanted nothing more than to warn Sam again. But you couldn't even raise the energy to move your hand, let alone speak. 

All of a sudden Dean was moving, sliding back towards you, a wicked looking hammer suddenly in his hands, and a smile on his face. Sam turned the corner, and Dean swung the hammer, missing Sam and lodging it into the wall. "Dean, stop!" He exclaimed, holding up his Demon killing knife, but with inhuman speed, Dean moved down, grasping you roughly and pulling you in front of him. The sudden movement jarred your knee and arm, and you cried out in pain. "Damn it Dean, what did you do?" Sam asked, his eyes searching your broken body. 

"What she deserved. She's just stupid, and a waste of air. I don't have any idea why I liked her in the first place." Dean said, wrapping his hands around your neck, tightening the hold. Sam's eyes betrayed how torn he felt, wanting to save you but not knowing how. As Dean squeezed even tighter, you saw Sam's eyes shift, just a little, but still you understood. Sam had called for back up, and Cas was undoubtedly sneaking up behind Dean. But he wouldn't do anything with the chance of harming you, and you would be back to square one.

With tears in your eyes, and determination in your heart, you took a deep breath before smiling sadly at Sam. With the knife held chest high in his hand, Sam stared at you, not getting your point. "Dean, I hope they can cure you." You managed to get out of your battered throat, before you threw yourself forward, right on the knife. It plunged into your chest just as Dean released his hold on you in shock. 

"Y/N!" Sam exclaimed, his arms wrapping around you, staring down at the knife in shock. He gently lowered you to the ground, just as a Demonic growl came from Dean. Your distraction had worked, and Cas now had Dean captured. 

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