God Was Never on Your Side

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Warnings: Season 14 Finale spoilers!!! 

Dean x Reader

"I don't think we have to kill Jack!" You argued, standing in front of Dean, trying to keep him away from Jack and Cas. Dean had the new gun held tightly in his grip, his knuckles white with tension. You could see the clench of his jaw, the set of his shoulders, and you knew it was going to be the job of a lifetime to talk him out of his plan.

Taking a deep breath, you placed your hand on his heart. Trying to remind him that you were all in this together. "I think Chuck is playing you. Playing all of us. There has to be another way."

Dean looked behind you, to where Cas stood close to Jack, his hand protectively holding Jack back. "I really wish there was. But we've tried so many things. And you heard him! He doesn't even take any blame for killing my Mom!"

Sighing, you stepped closer to Dean, your hand lowering to his wrist. "And that is because he doesn't have a soul. You remember everything Sam did when he didn't have a soul. Maybe we can talk to Chuck, figure something else out. Jack's a good kid, he just needs a little help right now."

With your lip tugged between your teeth, you tried to find the words to make Dean realize you were right. But your hesitation was an open window for Dean, who pushed you to the side, holding the gun up and aiming it straight at Jack's heart. "Listen, kid, I'm sorry for this. But there's no other way."

Jack took a step forward, kneeling on the ground, tilting his head down in acceptance, and you wanted to cry. To scream, or throw something in frustration. It couldn't end this way. Jack was like a son to you. Sure, he had killed Mary, and you would probably never forgive him for that. But he was a part of your family, and he needed you there for him.

"Dean, stop!" Sam called out, suddenly right behind the two of you, Chuck at his side. "We need to talk."

It was easy to see how flustered Dean was getting. Grinding his teeth, he turned to face Sam, his gun still aimed at Jack who was staring curiously at Chuck. "Talk? That's all we've been doing, and it's solved nothing! Chuck gave us the gun, and Jack is literally giving me permission. What more do you want?"

Sam carefully moved closer to Dean, his hands in the air. "Dean, we've been played. Chuck has been playing us since before we were born, and I'm done with it. You should be too."

Sam had all of your attention now, while it was Chuck's turn to grind his teeth. "What do you mean?" You asked.

"We're no more than pawns in Chuck's stories. He stands back and watches as we fight monsters. As our family and friends die horrible deaths. All for his enjoyment. And that's all this is! Just another little chapter in his book. Some enjoyment for him while we suffer. And it's enough! We need to stop this!"

Sam's words were getting to Dean. With a look that could kill, he turned to Chuck, the gun falling to the ground. "No!" Chuck screamed. "You're supposed to kill him! He killed your Mom! Don't listen to Sam!"

"You have been toying with us," Dean grumbled, standing beside you, his hands clenched into fists. Chuck was infuriated, the muscle in his jaw ticking. "Our lives have meant nothing to you!"

Dean charged suddenly, right at Chuck, but with a swipe of his fingers, Dean went flying, crashing into a headstone.

Everything else happened so suddenly. Sam raced forward, sliding on the ground, grabbing the gun. You moved over to Jack, both you and Cas helping him to his feet. Sam aimed the gun, pulling the trigger as you all watched in horror. The bullet landed in Chuck's shoulder, just enough to annoy him. "Fine? I tried to help you, and this is the thanks I get? How about I make things a little interesting?"

With a snap of his fingers, Jack suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes and mouth emitting a bright orange light. "Jack!" You exclaimed, moving to help him, but you were frozen to the ground.

"There, Jack's gone. But I don't think that's enough. Do you Dean?"

"Stop it!" Dean called out, fear flashing in his eyes as Chuck raised his hand once again. With a grin that was not from this world, Chuck snapped his fingers, and suddenly you couldn't breathe. Falling to the ground, you clutched your chest, gasping for air.

"Chuck, stop it! Please!" Dean pleaded, bloody and bruised, but rushing towards you. Chuck shook his head, freezing him to his spot, so Dean could only watch you suffer. Black spots were filling your vision, your hands clawing at your throat, trying to get some air into your system. "You asked for this!" Chuck exclaimed. "I've come back to help you, and you shoot me? Well, I've had enough. Welcome to the end."

With those words, Chuck snapped his fingers, suddenly vanishing. Dean was able to move to your side, holding your head while you're body started to shut down. The ground shook below you, light flashing as headstones exploded. "Y/N, oh god. I'm so sorry!" Dean exclaimed as Cas worked fast to save you.

Squeezing Dean's hand, you drifted off, your last thought on Dean. Hoping that he could once again stop the apocalypse.

Coming to with a gasp, you sat straight up, glancing around you in surprise. The last thing you remembered was dying in Dean's arms, the End of the World happening right around you. "Finally," a familiar voice spoke up, and you looked up to see Billy, who was now known as Death standing in front of you, the scythe in her hands. "I'm going to need your help." 

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