No Days Off

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"I can't believe you got called in," my buddy Rob muttered as I plopped down on the couch beside him. "Wasn't tonight your first night off in what...ten days?"

Running my hand through my hair, I nodded. "Nine, actually. But Steve came down with the flu, so date night with Y/N was thrown out the window. I won't have another day off for almost five days."

Rob patted my shoulder before he stood up. "I'm sorry man. If I had a woman such as Y/N, I'd want to have as many nights off as possible."

"She is something," I agreed, leaning back against the couch. It was a full crew on hand tonight. Tyrel and Lane were playing air hockey in the corner while Harvey lifted weights near the window. Rebecca, the only female working tonight was sitting at the table, a book opened in front of her. Jim and James were the other two in for the night, no doubt getting food from the kitchen.

I was hoping that tonight would be a quiet night. I was exhausted from working nine days in a row, and I wanted nothing more than to head home and have a peaceful night in with my fiance. Maybe order in pizza, watch some senseless TV. Spend some time with her in my arms. It feels like I hadn't spent much time with her lately, and while she didn't complain, I knew...

The bell blasted me from my thoughts, everyone's attention was immediately drawn to it. It was like a well oiled machine, as everyone jumped to action. Books were left behind, the air hockey game unifinished as we all raced to the locker room. We were already in our firemen pants and t-shirts, so it was just a quick grab of our uniforms, throwing them on as we headed to the garage. Orders were thrown about as we climbed into the truck.

Not much information was known about this fire. It was a house fire. That's all we knew. "So much for a quiet night," I muttered as Rob settled in next to me.

"Maybe it's gonna be a quick stove fire and we can talk talk Jim into letting you go early."

"Hey!" Tyrel exclaimed from across the cab. "He's not the only one to have someone to go home to."

Lane rolled his eyes. "You've been married ot your wife for what? Ten years now? Jared's girl is hot and they're still in know."

I had been listening with a smile on my face, but as I glanced out the window, I suddenly realized how familiar the landscape was. We were heading straight into my neighboorhood.

Rob noticed how quiet I had gotten, and he glanced out the window as well. "Hey wait. Isn't this your neighborhood Jared?"

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. The sirens were blaring above us as the driver raced through the suburban streets. My neighbor's stared out of their windows as we headed down a familiar path. "It can't be," I whispered, telling myself it was just a crazy coincidence. That we would be driving past my house any moment and Y/N would be peering out the window, wondering if I was in the truck.

"Don't worry, it's probably a street or two over," Lane tried consoling me. I hated this feeling as I watched familiar houses fly by. The fear and dread settling low in my belly, turning my lunch to lead. The lump in my throat hadn't gone away, my mouth dry as my heart pumped furiously. Closing my eyes I tried to take a deep breath, to calm myself down. I couldn't feel like this. Not when I was seconds away from battling a scorching blaze.

But when I opened my eyes once more, it was to the horrifying sight of the truck slowing to a stop right in front of my house.

Smoke was billowing out of the top floor, flames licking at the curtains covering the windows. It hadn't spread to the first floor as far as I could see. Neighbors, people that I had barbeques with, stood off to the side, staring in horror as my life burnt in front of my eyes. "Y/N," I whispered, jumping out before anyone else. Rob was right behind me, grabbing my shoulder and stopping me from rushing in there.

"Jared, think. We don't know if she's still in there. I know you're worried, but we need to remember our training."

With my jaw clenched, I stared straight ahead, fighting my impulse to just run inside. I needed to know she was okay. I glanced at the people standing in our neighbor's yard, hoping that I would see her there. My heart shattered when her beautiful face didn't stare back at me.

"Jared!" Jim snapped at me. "I know this is your house. Are you going to follow protocol or do I have to keep you back?"

"I'll do whatever you need. But I need to be in there," I insisted, struggling into my gear as fast as I could. "I can't stand by and watch."

Jim frowned at me but said no more. Pulling my helmet over my head, I forced myself to listen to the directions, knowing every second might be too late. But as soon as our bedroom window exploded, flames bursting out, I lost all sense of reason.

"Jared!" Jim called out as I ran past everyone, throwing open the door and rushing into the foyer. The bottom floor smelled of smoke, fire coming from towards the back. "Y/N!" I screamed, my voice a little muffled by my helmet. This feeling in the pit of my stomach had me heading straight up the stairs, completely bypassing the rest of the house.

The fire roared loudly upstairs, the heat blasting me even through my suit. The fire was still situated mainly to the back of the house and the right where our bedroom was. "Y/N!" I screamed again.

I could see the back roof had already collapsed, some of the ceiling laying on the ground. What was underneath almost brought me to my knees. I could see Y/N's hand laying limp on the floor, half of her body covered by a singed timber. "Y/N!" I screamed, dropping to my knees, crawling towards her.

In haste I took off my thick, protective glove, quickly checking for a pulse. The fire ranged in front of me, close enough I could feel the heat swarming around us. I needed to get her out of here fast.

Her pulse was weak, but still there, and if I had time I would have let out a sigh of relief. Tugging on her hand, I tried to pull him from the pile of rubbage. She slid a little way, my heart breaking at the bruises and dirt covering her beautiful skin. "Y/N, hang with me, sweetheart. I'll get you out of here, I promise."

Standing back up, surrounded by the smoke, I made sure my oxygen was working. I pushed at the wood holding her down, just as Rob came by my side. "Help me!"

With both of us lifting, we were able to push the heavy wood away from her limp body. Her leg was angled wrong, no doubt broke in the fall. Leaning down I picked her up, holding her tight. "We've got to go!" Rob yelled, just as the fire burst through the door. Rich led the way, the stairs starting to smoke.

"This house is going to go!" I heard one of the other firemen yell as I raced down the stairs as fast as I was able to with her in my arms.

The bottom floor was almost completely engulfed. Taking my oxygen mask off, I placed it over Y/N's mouth, her dark lashes fluttering against her skin. Holding my breath, the smoke almost unbearable, I pushed ahead, running through the front door just as the house groaned. As I came to the street, the house started to crumble in on itself, the work of other firemen too little, too late.

Carefully setting her down next to the firetruck, I took deep gasping breaths of clean air just as the ambulance rounded the corner.

"How is she?" Rob asked, kneeling down next to her.

"She's battered, and her legs broken. I'm not sure how much damage is inside her body," I muttered, brushing the hair back from her face.

She leaned against my touch, her eyes fluttering open. "J...Jar?" She coughed.

"Hey, I'm here," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You'll be fine, I promise."

Just then an EMT came around the side of the truck, a cart being rolled behind him. I stayed by her side as they looked her over, standing back slightly when they moved to pick her up. "I think she'll be okay," Ed, the EMT assured me. "Of course they'll run the normal tests, and she'll be in the hospital for a day or two. But because of you, she'll be fine."

I watched her being rolled away, torn between the love of my life and my sworn duty. "Go," Jim said from behind me. "We have this covered."

I didn't need to be told twice. Tugging off my safety gear, I climbed into the ambulance. The doors shut and I took a deep breath. "Jared," Y/N struggled to say, the smoke making her voice hoarse. Reaching over, she grasped my hand, and I soothingly rubbed my thumb across her skin.

"Don't worry, I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere." 

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