Black Part 2

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Part 2 for 

Relaxing back on your bed, you couldn't be more happy to be back home. You were completely exhausted, your body sore from having the asthma attack, and you knew it would take a couple of days on top of that to start to feel better. Dean was currently chained in the dungeon of the Bunker, which made your heart heavy. Dean was your knight in shining armor, always had been, and you hated seeing him like that. Which is probably the reason that Sam had banned you from that room, making you go back to your room while he ran the cure.

Dean's cries rang throughout the bunker, and you wanted nothing more than to cover your ears and pretend you couldn't hear them. Sometimes the moments of silence were harder to take than the cries, and you found yourself multiple times stepping out of your room, needing to see if he was alright, or if the cure had killed him. 

A couple of hours after Sam had started, you heard footsteps heading your way, and you peeked out, seeing an exhausted looking Sam coming your way. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you silently into the kitchen, where the two of you munched on sandwiches. "I don't know if it's working." He finally admitted, the look of defeat breaking your heart.

"Sam, it's the only things we know of. Dean wouldn't want to be a Demon. And I know part of him is still in there." You assured him, wanting your Dean back.

"But what if there isn't? What if we are just slowly torturing him until he dies?" Sam continued on, worried for his big brother. Both of you seemed lost without Dean there for guidance, both missing your big brother something fierce. 

"Wouldn't our Dean rather be dead, than be a Demon?" You questioned him, and with a grimace Sam nodded. "So it's worth a shot."

"Why don't you head back to your room? Cas is coming, and I need to administer another dose to Dean." Sam suggested tiredly, but you didn't want to hide anymore.

"No, I can help you. He's my brother too." You insisted, following him as he made his way to the dungeon. Staying behind him as he opened the door, your heart broke for what you saw inside. Dean was shackled to the the chair, his head lolling to the side. You wanted to rush forward, to make sure he was still alive, but Sam placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping you. 

"We don't know if he's truly out." Sam warned you. 

"Please. I'll be careful." You pleaded, and with a sigh, Sam nodded, handing you a flask of holy water. Carefully walking up, you stepped into the devil's trap, but still Dean stayed still. With a shaking hand, you reached up, touching fingers to his neck. His pulse was there, slow and steady. 

Feeling sorry for him, you placed your hand on his cheek, ignoring the hum of disapproval coming from Sam in the background. Before you could react, Dean was moving, his face dangerously close to yours. "Y/N, get away, now!" He growled low in his throat, and you could tell he was fighting with himself. Struggling against the holds in the chair, his head rolled back before coming back to look at you. What was once a beautiful pair of green eyes were now black onyx, and his face was contorted in rage.

Squealing, you went to move back, losing your footing and falling on your butt right in front of Dean. "Y/N, I rescued you once. Don't expect me to spare your life again. I've grown tired of always having to save your pathetic little life."

Sam grabbed you by the arm, pulling you out of the devil's trap as you tried not to let Dean's words sink in. "Dean, it's not you talking." You tried assuring yourself as Sam helped you to your feet.

"Of course it's me. It's just the thoughts that I keep bottled deep inside. Do you know why I saved you back in that bar? It's because I felt so sorry for you, the pathetic little sister who always follows her brothers around like a lost puppy. Without Sam and I you would have been dead a long time ago."

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