--Chapter 5--

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Kaylee's POV:
"Well it all started with..." I started to tell him. "I had a boyfriend called Brandon, about a few days ago, who is now my ex. It was a bad relationship, I hated it and I wanted it to stop. He would hurt me every day and night so I used to be covered in bruises and cuts. I wanted to tell someone but I knew he would hurt me." I started to say. I pulled up my sleeve to show his grip on my wrists. There where marks from were he grabbed me. "Does it hurt?" Jack said. "Sometimes it does but I have to bare the pain." I say. "I'm really sorry to hear this." He said. "It's ok. I had to tell someone." I said.

Jacks face turned from happy to sad or sorry. "A few days ago I had enough and wanted to leave. I tried to run away but got caught by him. I ran from him but he got me and pinned me up against the wall. I broke free but I kicked him which made him fall down. I ran to my car and drove away from him. But the one thing that is in my head is what he said to me." I told him. By now a tear fell from my cheek. Jack got his hand and whipped it away. "Am I aloud to know what it is?" He asked. "He said you can't run. I will find you. But after I got a message from him and I haven't told anyone accept you. Not even Poppy." I said. "I am so sorry to hear that. Can I do anything to keep you safe." He asked. "Protect me." Is all I said.

"I will protect you no matter what." He said. "Thank you." I said. I got the text up on my phone to show Jack what he sent me. It read: I will find you so it won't do anything if you run. If you tell anyone about this you won't see the end of it and I will come after you. I am searching for you so be aware. I locked my phone and looked at Jack. "Now you won't leave my side." He said. "To be honest, I'm scared." I said. "If I where you I would be too." He said. We got up and left the cafeteria. "Thanks for the drink. It was fun. I enjoyed it." I told him. "Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He said. We got outside the building before we where going to say goodbye.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Jack asked. "Looking at my new house. Do you want to come?" I said. "If you want me too. I've got training at 2:00pm so I have to be here for that." He said. "Ok. Meet me at Poppy's place and we will go from there." I said to him. "Do you want a lift home?" He asked me. "Yes please. That would be nice." I said to him. I followed Jack to his car and got in. Jack started the engine and drove to Poppy's place which we share. Jack pulled up outside the house. "Thank you for the ride." I said to him. "Anytime. Take care." He said. "You too. Bye. See you tomorrow." I said. "Yeah, see you tomorrow. Bye." I closed the door and walked towards the front door of the house.

My Hero -- Jack NowellWhere stories live. Discover now