--Chapter 10--

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Poppy's POV:
Kaylee has been asleep for a few weeks now after what happened. It is hard for me to see my best friend like this. Tears fall down my face when I see her. The door slowly opened and in walked Jack. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said but in a lower tone. We sat their in silence for ages not talking about anything. "I'm sorry. I should of protected her." I hear Jack say. "Jack you did what you could." I tell him. "No. I should of stood in front of her." He said. "You're already hurt. We don't need you hurt anymore." I told him. He nodded and stayed silent for the remaining time he was here for. Jack leaves the room which leaves me in here by myself. I decide to start talking to Kaylee to see if I got a response.

I take her hand a squeeze it slightly. "Hey Kaylee. It's me Poppy as you could probably tell. If you can hear me that would be amazing. I just wanted to say everyone misses you. Jack specially. He says it's his fault but I keep telling him that he did the best he could, which he did? I miss having you around. It would be amazing if you could wake up. Please do it. Please wake up." I tell her. I start to tear up a bit. I let go of her hand and walk out the door to take a breather. I text Jack to see if he was alright. Hey. Are you ok? Btw I spoke to Kaylee to tell her what's going on. I send the message and lock my phone. I soon get a reply. I'm fine. I just feel a bit bad and angry. Hopefully we can get a response soon. I read the message then send him another one.

I walk back into the room and I see Kaylee lying there really still. She has wires attached to her and tubes coming out of her body. I miss her so much it hurts. She's loosing her skin colour and is going pale. I don't know what's going to happen. All I know is that one day Kaylee is going to be up and walking around the place. I sit on the chair next to her bed and talk to her. "My favourite memory we had together is when we went to Disneyland. You where a massive Mickey mouse fan. You where Mickey and I was Minnie. It was good times. I hope we can do that again." She said.

A doctor came in and did an examination. "Is she improving?" I ask. "Slowly but not quick enough. If she doesn't improve any quicker in a week we will have to pull the plug." He said. "We can't. She will improve." I say nearly bursting into tears. "We are doing all we can to save her life. It is the only option we have I'm afraid." He told me. I nodded my head. He left the room and I began to cry. "Kaylee you have to help us. You can't let go not now. You can fight this I know you can." I tell her.

My Hero -- Jack NowellWhere stories live. Discover now