--Chapter 69--

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Kaylee's POV:
Today Jack had a match. It was Exeter against Wasps. I came to support the team as I normally would. I drove my own car as Jack left this morning so he could train for the match. I walked up to the doors and saw Henry about to walk in. "Henry." I shout then he turns around. "Kaylee. I haven't seen you in ages. First off I'm sorry." He said. "It's ok. I have to think positive." I say. "Where's Jack?" Henry asks. "He left early this morning. I feel like something has happened between us and we're not as strong as we used to be." I say with a sad face. "It will be all fine. He will realise how your feeling and then sort it out." Henry said. "I'm glad I have a friend like you to lean on." I say. "I'm glad I have a good friend like you." He said. He gave me a side hug which made me smile.

I walked in the building and down the corridor. People began to arrive already. I had to walk through a lot of fans to get to where I needed to go. Poppy was here to support Jack M and the team as well. I walked to Rob's office. "Good luck in today's match." I said as I walked in. "We'll be needing it." He said. I walked out of the room with him. I followed behind Rob as he walked to the pitch were both teams where training. Before it was time for kick off, both teams headed back to their changing room. I saw Jack about to walk into the room. "Jack can I have a quick word. It will only take a minute." I said. He walked out of the line and stood by the wall ready to hear what I had to say.

"Is everything ok?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You seem distant from me and when I want to speak to you, you either don't answer or don't say a thing." I say. "Maybe I'm trying to focus on this game or other things." He said. "Why didn't you say?" I said. "Because I might not have wanted to." He says. "So you think not telling me is going to solve it." I say. "I don't need to tell you everything." He says. "I know you don't but you could at least have said." I say. "Why are you so annoyed by me?" He said. "I'm not but when you don't tell me things then yeah I will be." I snapped back. "Leave it then." He said getting a bit angry. "I'm just stressed about things going on. I'm sorry. Ok." I said. "So am I and it doesn't help that you are getting annoyed." Jack said. "Maybe next time I won't say anything then." I say back. Jack didn't say a word. He walked back into the changing room and I walked out to the stands to find my seat.

I sat on my seat in the back row. I sighed. Poppy came up with a drink in her hand. She sat right next to me. "You look down. What happened?" She said. "I'm a bit stressed right now and Jack has been different so I talked to him and it all went from there." I explained. "Oh wow. Just leave it. We are here to enjoy the match." She said. "I agree." I said. Both teams came onto the pitch and began to play.


When the match came to an end everyone all left the stands. The members of the club went into the members part of the building. Poppy walked with me and I went down to Rob.

Exeter 24-10 Wasps

It was a great match. I followed behind Rob and walked inside. Henry was talking to a wasps player. "Great game out there Henry." I said. "Thanks." He said. I walked back indoors. I walked straight past the changing room and to a place where there where chairs.

Poppy's POV:
I walked outside of the changing room and waited. Jack M came out. "You where amazing out there." I said. "Thank you." He said and hugged me. We gave each other a kiss. Exeter played very well and so did Wasps to be honest.

Kaylee's POV:
I drove home without Jack. I am upset. My little angel has gone it makes me more sad. I walked in the house with tears in my eyes. Jack seem really off after that little argument we had. I go into the bedroom and grabbed a bag from underneath the bed. I packed a few things and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I found some paper and a pen. I wrote a note to Jack:

Jack, I'm sorry for everything. I feel like I have put you down as we just lost our little angel. I'm not good for you. I think you need someone better than me. I love you and always will. Thank you for being a great guy. I love you Jack.
Kaylee xxx

I left the pen on the side and made my way to my car. I drove out of the drive way and to wherever my car took me.

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