--Chapter 46--

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For the next few chapters they will be a week each. For example then next chapter will be week 1 with out Jack. This will go on until he is back from The British and Irish Lions Tour.

Kaylee's POV:
In my car I had, Jack M, Sam S and Sam H. In Henry's car he had, Olly W, Ollie D and Luke C-D. I've bonded well with all the players so we have a bit of banter now and again. Sam S sat in the front with me and the others sat in the back. Sam S put some tunes and we all started to sing. We arrived in a car park and parked our cars. They where not next to each other. We all got out of the car laughing at what Sam S showed us. The three of them said thanks. The four of us met up with the others and began our afternoon out. "Kaylee, how's Poppy?" Jack M asked. "She's doing better. She is staying with her parents for now, don't know when she will be back though." I tell him. "A least she is ok." He said. Henry got his phone out and took a selfie with all of us in it and tagged us too. The others posted pictures or videos of all of us. It was really fun.

I walked into a clothes shop and went shopping for some sporty clothing. I thought the lads would go somewhere else then text me. I walked past the part I wanted to go to so I stopped immediately. I turned around and saw all eight of the boys come to an emergency stop. They all walked into each other. "Sorry guys. I thought you went somewhere else instead with me." I said. "We came to help." Olly W said. The lads really help when it came to shopping. Henry took a photo of the other's trying to help me choose some clothes. It was a really big help. I walked out the shop with a few new outfits and some shoes.

The whole group headed into a restaurant or cafe to get something to eat. Unfortunately, there where not a big table for all of us to sit around so we had to sit in fours on two tables. I sat with Olly W, Henry and Ollie D. On the other table there was, Sam S, Luke C-D, Jack M and Sam H. I pick my food out, payed for it and then ate it, when I got it. "Kaylee, how's life?" Olly W asked. "Random question. It's going great. I have amazing friends to hang out with. I'm fine with that." I says. "Nice." He says. The three of them started to have their own conversation so I listened to it. When everyone finished we all got up and walked back to the cars.

Some of the lads walked ahead and began messing about which made me laugh. Henry and Ollie D caught it on video. Jack M and Sam S tacked each other onto the grass out of nowhere. "Guys, leave that to the games and training." I said. "Ok." Sam S said laughing with Jack M.  We soon made it back to the car, looking in shops before we went into the car park. Everyone who was in my car got in, in the same seats as the time we arrived. I drove them all back to Sandy Park. I got out the car to say bye to the others. "Thanks for today." I say to them. "We knew you weren't doing anything so we invited you. Also thanks for the ride." Sam S said. Sam H said thanks after. The two Sam's left. "Thanks for the ride. Tell Poppy I say hi." Jack M tell me. "Sure will." I say giving him a hug. I say bye to Ollie D, Olly W and Luke C-D. I gave Henry a hug and thanked him too.

I got home and went straight to bed. I quickly uploaded q photo to my instagram. The caption I wrote was:
@KayleeBaxter: Missing that one person right now. Wish they were here! @JackNowell.
I locked my phone and fell asleep.

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