-- Chapter 89 --

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Kaylee's POV:
I rolled over to an empty bed. Jack obviously wasn't in it. I got out and went downstairs and into the kitchen. I found a note on the table.


I didn't want to wake you because you looked so cute and peaceful when you slept. I am out training for the day but should be back around 5:00pm. Have a great day. Love you lots.

Love, Jack xxxxxxxx

He is so sweet. Jack can protect me now. He would do anyway. I decide to go on a small walk for a bit. I locked the front door and walked out of the drive way. I make my way down to the local park. It was small and quiet. No one was there accept the odd one or two dog walkers that passed by. I had my headphones plugged in so I couldn't hear anything. I sat on a swing and stayed there for a while. It is nice being by yourself because you can focus on things better. I love having people around me but I like having the acasional peace and quiet.

It was just me by myself in my own world when I saw someone walking towards me in the distance. I ignored it but as they got closer I realised who it was. No. This can't be happening? I thought to myself. "Kaylee. By yourself are we." He said. "What do you want!" I said. "Something." He said. "What is it?" I asked. I started to back up a bit. "Oh. Your not going anywhere." He said taking hold of me. "Get off me." I asked. "Well your boyfriend isn't here to help you is he." He said getting closer to my face. I hated it so I tried to move out of his grip. Obviously it didn't work because he gripped onto me harder. I still had one arm/ hand free so I took my phone out and tried to text someone. Jack was the closest contact. When Brandon wasn't looking I tried to text Jack. Help me please!! I'm at the park!! I sent the message and tried to put my phone back in my pocket.

Brandon caught me and snatched my phone off me. "Won't be needing this." He said chucking my phone onto the floor. I think it smashed.

Jack's POV:
I'm training for the game for Friday coming up. We train for hours on end (only about 3 or 4 hours). So basically from 10:00am till 2:00pm. It was hard. When we finished our training Rob pulled me aside. "Jack I need to speak to you about Kaylee?" He asked walking to the bench. Oh no. Did I do something wrong? "Ok." I said taking a seat. "Is she ok?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I said. "From what happened and Brandon being back." Rob explained. "You know Brandon is back!" I said. "Yes I do and I'm here to help." He said. "I guess Kaylee is fine. She is a bit worried about him being back but I've told her I will protect her as much as I can." I explained. "At least she has you. Thanks Jack for your time." Rob said. "It's ok." I said getting up walking towards the tunnel.

I arrived in the changing room and sat by my stuff. Henry came in after me and sat next to me. I cleaned myself up and changed into a clean set of clothing. That took me about 15 minutes all together. I walked back to my stuff and took my phone out. I saw I had a message from Kaylee. It said, Help me please!! I'm in the park!! I began to panic a bit. I grabbed my thing quickly as I could. "Jack, you alright mate?" Henry asked. "It's Kaylee. I think she needs our help." I said. "Ok. Let's go." Henry said getting his things and heading for my car. We got in and drove to the park. "Sladey. Can you try ring Kaylee for me please." I asked. "Yeah sure." He said. Henry began to ring her. It looked like he rang her about three times. "She's not picking up." Henry said. Now it got me even more worried. I quickly parked my car in a space. Henry and I legged it to the park.

As we turned a corner we see Kaylee with a guy. Brandon. He has her in his grip. What is his problem for real? We slowly approached. "Oh look who it is. Perfect boyfriend and his mate." Brandon said. Kaylee's face said it all. She looked scared, shocked and in pain. "Let go of her." I asked nicely. "Why would I do that?" He asked. "Your hurting her. Can't you see?" Henry said. Brandon pushed Kaylee, which made her stumble backwards and he walked off. "I will be back!" Brandon said. As he got out of our eyesight we rushed over to Kaylee.

Kaylee's POV:
Jack and Henry came to my rescue. I don't know what I would do without them. Brandon went off which was good. My wrists hurt because of his tight grip. I will be back! Kept going around my head. I will be back! My head began to spin. I felt dizzy too. Everything went black and I think I fell into someone's arms.

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