-- Chapter 91 --

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Brandon's POV:
I had to text the guy who was helping me about the plan.

Hi. Tomorrow we will start the plan because I have some other important bits to do and also Jack and Henry have a game. So that means Kaylee is probably with them.
Ok. Text me the details later and I will get to it.

I lock my phone and begin to think of my revenge.

Kaylee's POV:
Today Jack has a match with Exeter. Jack and Rob agreed for me to come as they wanted me to be safe. I got up and showered. I wore sports leggings, a t-shirt with the Nike symbol on it, an Exeter Chiefs hoodie and Nike trainers. My trainers I had on where pink which slowly faded into purple. Colourful. When Jack was ready I walked downstairs and to the car. Jack was wearing his training gear for the day. Jack started the engine and drove to Sandy Park. "If you need me at all today, either, text me, find me or get someone to find me." Jack said. "Sure will." I said. I'm going to be safe today, I know for a fact. "Rob is going to be by your side all day today." Jack told me. "Thanks Jack. What would I do without you?" I said smiling. "No idea babe." He replied. I giggled. The rest of the car journey was quiet.

We arrived with plenty of time. The match kick off was at 3:00pm. We got to the park at 1:00pm. At least Jack has got sometime to get himself ready for the match. I walked down the hallway to Rob's office where he was rushing around everywhere. "Hi dad." I said as I entered. "Hi Kaylee. Glad you could make it." He said giving me a quick hug and kiss on the forehead. "Anything you need me to do." I asked. "No not really." Rob said. I sat on the sofa. I had nothing to do so I sat there on my phone.

-- Skip to game time --

The time came for the match to begin. It was Exeter against Leister. Rob got me quickly to hand out programs to the opposite team. I placed them beneath the players legs and some on the table. I did that for Exeter too. I came back and placed the left over programs on Rob's desk. I followed Rob out to the stands and sat on a seat for the game. Rob definitely was going to keep an eye on me. I could tell. Sandy Park slowly began to fill up with fans from both teams. It got really crowded. Both teams ran out to the pitch and to their positions. The referee blew his whistle and the game began. It was a good game to start with. Don't get me wrong but Leister where playing great and so was Exeter.

Both teams played well. In the first half Exeter seemed to not be playing their best but when it came to the second half you could tell they where playing better. Leister gave it all they've got for both half's. Altogether the match was great. The referee blew the final whistle which made the score 20-24 to Leister. We lost but it was a good match. Next time we just need to push it a tiny bit more then we could possibly win the match.

-- End of the match --

I walked with Rob back down the tunnel and outside of the changing room. "Well done lads. You played great out there." I said to them as they passed. I got a few high fives and fist pumps from the players as they passed. I waited a bit for time to pass. I walked back to Rob's office. I texted him so he doesn't panic. I'm in your office just to let you know. I locked my phone and stared into space.

Rob walked into the office with Jack. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. "You played great out there." I told him. "And you where great for surporting me." Jack said back. I smiled. He pecked my lips quick. I turned to Rob. "If anything happens text me, call me or something to get in contact with me. Please." Rob said. "We will." I said. Jack and I said bye to him then leaving to go home.

A/n: I know it isn't much but here. Keep voting please. Comment to tell me what you think. Please do it so I can maybe improve. I love reading your comments you send. If you know anyone who loves rugby and likes to read, tell them about my book. Share it so more people can read it. Thank you for the support.

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- Vicki😊

Also, thank you for the 4k on my Henry Slade story. It means a lot. Go read my other stories too. Vote and comment on them and tell me what you think. Thanks.

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