--Chapter 42--

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Kaylee's POV:
"I'm your dad." Rob said. I was shocked. All this time I thought he was my uncle. I was wrong. He is my dad! Wow. Never expected that to happen! I tried to say something but nothing came out. I am hurt that he never told me but I will try not to show it through anger. "Kaylee. I know you're mad at me. I understand that but please can you give me a chance. To get to know you a bit more." He said. I breathed in. "I am hurt a bit that you didn't tell me sooner. I'm just shocked." I said putting my hands on my head. "I'm sorry that I wasn't the best dad to you. I would like to make it up to you. That's if you want to." He asks. "That would be nice but I just need sometime to take I that your my dad." I said. "Take as long as you want." He said. I nodded. "I'm just going outside to get some air." I tell him, walking out of office.

I go to the pitch and sit down on a chair in the stands. I take in all then information I just got given, trying to get over it. Some of the players where out on the pitch practicing for their first game of the season. I watched to take my mind off things that where going through my mind. Henry looked over in my direction and walked over. "So how did it go with Rob?" He asked, taking a seat next to me. "Let's just say he told me he was my dad." I told him. "Wow. You ok with all of this?" He asked. "I guess. I came out here for air and to accept what happened." I told him. He nodded his head. I explained everything to him then soon he got up and walked back to do some training.

I stayed there for sometime and carried on watching their training.

Jack's POV:
I saw Kaylee in the stands. I just thought she was watching but it turns out she wasn't. Henry went over to her and asked her what had went on. He came back to me. We started to throw the ball at each other while we had a conversation with each other. "Is she ok?" I asked throwing the ball towards Henry. "She is hurt, sad and a bit angry." He tells me. "Why?" I asked. "Stuff to do with Rob being her dad." He told me. Wow! "He is her dad. She didn't know her dad though." I told him. We keep throwing the ball back and forth. "I think you need to speak to her. She needs you now." Henry tells me. After training I decided to speak to Kaylee. I changed and made myself smell nicer then went find Kaylee still sat in the stands.

"Henry told me what happened with you and Rob." I said as I approached her. "Yeah. I know what your thinking." She said. "I am hear if you need to speak to me." I told her taking a seat next to her. I took her hand and placed it in my hand. "I could really speak to you right now." She said. "Tell me what happened?" I asked nicely. Kaylee explained what happened with her and Rob. "I can help you get through this. We can do this together." I tell her. "Thank you for always being there for me." She said. It made me smile. I kissed her forehead and we sat there for sometime.

Kaylee's POV:
Jack came out and spoke to me. I told him the story and he helped me. I love how he looks out for me and helps me through things. Jack and I get up and walked back inside. Our fingers interlock so we walk hand in hand through the building. I walk up to Rob's office. Jack gives me the thumbs up saying, 'You can do this. I am right here if you need anything.' I knocked on the door and waited for him to say come in. I walked in and shut the door behind me. 

"I thought about it and I am happy to give you a chance and spend time with you." I said. "Thank you." He said getting up pulling me in for a hug. We hug one last time. "I will see you around sometime." He says. "Yep bye." I say walking towards the door. "Bye." He said as I walked out the door. I gave Jack a smile to say everything went well.

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