--Chapter 80--

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Kaylee's POV:
Poppy was still sleeping when I woke up. I made the two of us some breakfast. I walk back into the living room with the bowls. "Morning." Poppy said locking her phone then stretching. I handed the bowl to her. "Thanks." She said. We ate breakfast and watched TV. I went to shower and change for the day. I'm going to be without Jack for two more days. Poppy went and did what she needed to do and then changed into some clothes. "Poppy I'm going to see my dad at 1:00pm." I told her. "Ok. I will be gone by then. I'm going to stay with my family for a few days and Jack is coming with me." She said. "Well enjoy yourself." I said. "I will." She said back. Before I leave I have to open that letter Jack handed me.

I go into the lounge and pick up the envelope. I looked at it for a while then I walk into the kitchen and sat on a chair by the island. "Read it out loud so I can hear." Poppy asked. "Sure." I say and begin to open it. I wonder what it could be. I took the folded piece of paper out of the envelop. I unfolded the paper and began to read it out loud.

Dear Kaylee,

I'm so happy I finally asked you to marry me. You are my number one. I love you for who you are. Now I'm up in London training for the England rugby team, I will miss you every night. I will miss your hugs, your company, your kisses, your giggles and most of all you. I love you for what you do and if I could propose to you again I would do. 1 million times. I'm writing this to say how much I love you and how much I miss you when your not with me. Live your dream like you tell me every night before we both fall to sleep.

While I'm away please look after the house. I know it won't be a mess as your in charge. Make sure the dogs are ok. I love you. I would love to ask you this in person but will you come to the next game with me and cheer us on? I would love your support.

There is one more thing I want to say but first a little something, from Rob. He wants to speak to you soon about something but I'm not sure what though. Back to the last thing. I love you just the way you are. You make me smile and make me have butterflies in my stomach when I see you. As a good thing. I love seeing you, it's the best thing that has ever happened to me besides asking you to marry me. I have no words to describe this, it's simply the best. I can't wait to see you when I get back. I love you to the moon and back.

Lot's and lot's of love from your amazing man, Jack xxxx.

P.s. Also look in the envelop for something else.

I had happy tears falling from my eyes. "He's a keeper." Poppy said. I placed the letter onto the table. I looked in the envelop. There was a ticket and a day for me to spend at the salon. He really did that for me. "Guess what I will be doing for most of the day tomorrow?" I said. "Umm... not sure?" Poppy said. "A day at the salon and a ticket for something." I explained. "Sweet. He knows how to treat you right." Poppy said. "Shall we get going?" I asked. "Yes, let's go." Poppy said. Poppy got her things ready to go. We got out of the door and to the car. I drove Poppy home. "Bye Pops." I said. "Bye." She said. I drove to Sandy Park as I needed to see Rob, my dad.

I parked my car and walked to dads office. I knocked on the door. I walked in and went over to his desk. "Hi dad." I said as I sat down on a chair in front of him. "Hey Kaylee. Haven't seen you in a while." He said. "True. I wanted to see how you where doing." I said. "I'm great. I also have something to say but I have forgotten." He said. "Ok. Tell me when you do." I said. I talked with Rob for a while until I left. I slowly walked out of the building. I saw Olly walk by. "Hi Kyle." He said. "Hi Olly." I said giving him a high five as I walked past. I took a few photos of the nice sunset in the background and posted one on instagram. @KayleeBaxter: Sunset is beautiful and I love it. I pressed the share button and walked to my car. I got to my car and drove back home.

I got in the door and went to the kitchen. I fed the dogs and fed myself. I sat on the sofa and caught up on the Netflix series I haven't watched yet.

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