--Chapter 71--

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Kaylee's POV:
I wake up still on the sofa. I have a text from Jack. I want to answer it but I know I shouldn't.

Jack's POV:
I don't even know where Kaylee went. I walked downstairs after getting myself ready for the day. Henry's car pulls up in my drive way. I walk out the door, lock it then I get in Henry's car. "Where did she go?" He asked. "I absolutely have no clue." I said. "Is there any where you know she could be?" Henry asked. "No. I could ask Poppy, she might know." I said. "Let's go find Poppy then." He said. Henry drove down the roads. I messaged Poppy. Hi Pops, can you meet me and Henry at Sandy Park please. It's important. I locked my phone and waited for a reply. Hey, I'll meet you there. I'm on my way now. See you in 5. Henry and I got to Sandy Park and waited outside the door for Poppy.

Rob came by. "Henry. Jack. We don't have training today." Rob said. "No, we're just waiting for someone. It's kind of important." Henry said. "Ok. Say hi to Kaylee from me please." He said then walked into the building. "Sure will." I said. We stood there and Poppy drove up. The three of us sat around a bench and began to talk. "Where's Kaylee? She's normally with you." Poppy said. "That's what we came to speak to you about." I said. "Is she ok?" Poppy asked. "Not really." Henry said. Her face dropped. "Kaylee's gone. I don't where she's gone." I said. Poppy looked sad. Her eyes filled up with tears and she began to cry. "Oh no. Please say she's ok." She said.

I told Poppy everything and she got to work. She helped us find her. I hope we get in contact or something. Poppy told me she would start to call her. I left her to it. Henry waited for me to go see Rob.

I walked down the corridor to Rob's office. I walked up to the door and knocked. "Come in." I hear Rob say. I walk in. "Jack. Good to see you! How can I help?" He said. "I came to speak to you about Kaylee." I said. Rob's facial expression changed. "Is she ok? Is she hurt?" Rob started to question. "Please don't be mad but Kaylee and I had a small argument before the game yesterday. Also she has left." I said. "Where is she?" He asked. "I don't know. Can you help find her? Please." I asked. "Of course. This is my daughter your talking about." He said. I talked more about it to him.

I left the building and to Henry's car. "All go well." Henry said. "Yeah. Rob's going to try to get in touch and tell me if he has any news." I said. Henry and I drove around Exeter for most of the day.

My Hero -- Jack NowellWhere stories live. Discover now