--Chapter 26--

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Kaylee's POV:
I read the message Jack sent me over again: Hey. I will pick you up at 11:00am so we can hang out. I can't wait. See you then. I obviously replied back. It was now 10:59am and Jack should be here soon. I just get my things ready for the day when there is a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw Jack standing there smiling. "Hey." We said after another, embracing each other into a hug. I locked the front door and got into Jacks car. Just so Poppy won't get the wrong idea I decided to text her. I'm out with Jack for the day. See you later. I lock my phone and enjoy the car journey I had with Jack.

Jack parked his car in the space and the two of us headed down to the cafe were the rest of his mates where. "Hi guys." I said taking a seat. "Sup." Some of them said. We chatted. They started to talk about rugby, how their day has been and many other things too. I nodded at some of the stuff they said but in true honesty, I wasn't paying much attention to them. "Kaylee, how have you been?" One of them asked. "Good. I've been recovering from my injuries I have had. But apart from that I am great." I say. "Good." One said back. When we all finished eating, we got up and decided to walk down the streets.

I got tagged in some of the lads posts. It was fun hanging out with them all. "Kaylee." Jack said. "Jack." I said. "I'm glad I met you." He says. "Me too, I'm glad I met you." I say back to him. He pulls me into a side hug. We walked in front of the other lads so they where behind us. Jack and I walked and talked, smiling and laughing with one another. It was fun. I hear a camera click and I see one of the lads with his phone out. He was probably the one taking a picture of the two of you. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. It was a notification saying I was tagged in a post. It was Henry. No surprise there.

Henry Slade:
@JackNowell and @KayleeBaxter the new future couple slowly building up.

I liked the post and I didn't bother commenting on it. Me and Jack carried on walking. I ignored the others and focused on me and Jack. "Today has been fun." I say. "It has." Jack said. We smiled at each other then proceeded to walk. I saw Poppy in the distance. I wonder why she is here. Plus she looked angry. She spotted us and stormed over to where we were.

"Explain this?" She commanded at one of us. "It's just a photo." I said. "A photo. It's more than a photo." She said with anger in her voice. "Woah Poppy! Take a chill pill. It's just a photo. Are they not allowed to be close together?" Henry said. "I thought we where closer Jack." She says to him. "Your just jealous." Jack said. "No I'm not. I thought you would hang out with me instead." She said. "Well thanks. I have a little something to say." I say. "What?" She says. "Jealousy isn't a good look for you." I told her. "I can't believe you two." She said. "Am I not allowed to hang out with my friends." I asked. She went silent. "Exactly. I think we just need some space from each other for a while. We need to clear this drama out of the air so I'm going to leave tomorrow morning." I said. "Kaylee please don't." She says. "It's the best thing for us. You don't like me hanging out with your friends so I'm going to go." I told her. I walked away from her and so did the others.

"Not cool Poppy, not cool." Jack said to her as he walked past.

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