--Chapter 66--

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Jack's POV:
Kaylee kept tossing and turning that night. She got up a few times as well. I hope she's ok. Kaylee got up again. This time I had to see if she was ok. "Babe. What's going on?" I asked her. "I can't sleep that's all." She said. "You get back in bed. Let me make you a warm cup of tea." I told her. She got back into bed and I went downstairs into the kitchen. I made the tea a bought it back upstairs. I handed it to her and hopped into bed. "Thank you." Kaylee said. She put the cup on the bed side table and cuddled up to me. She soon fell asleep and I fell asleep with her.

Kaylee's POV:
I woke up in the morning after a bad night. Jack made me some tea which made me sleepy. Jack wasn't in the bed when I woke up. I got myself ready and headed downstairs. Jack was in the kitchen, all dressed, cooking breakfast. "Here is your plate." Jack said. "Thank you." I said eating my food. Jack joined me. We both finished our food and I helped Jack do the dishes. I walked into the lounge and sat on the sofa. The pain was gone from yesterday. I spoke to soon! The pain came back. I breathed in and out for it to go. It went. I walked into the kitchen where Jack was.

I sat on the chair opposite Jack. He was on his computer. "Everything ok?" He asked. "I'm in a bit of pain. Nothing to worry about." I said. "If it gets worse let me know." Jack said. "Will do." I said. I got up from the seat and began to walk around. I got to the stairs and stopped. What's causing this pain? I was having trouble to walk. "Jack, can you help me please?" I asked. He ran towards. "Yes what's wrong?" Jack asked. "I've been getting pains in my stomach for the past few days and now its got to much, I'm having trouble walking." I explained. "Shall I take you to the hospital?" He asked. "No. I will be fine. Let's go see Rob." I said. "Ok." Jack said getting his car keys. We both got in the car and went to Sandy Park. Jack went off to see his mates and I went to see Rob. I walked in as the door was open. "Hi Kaylee." He said. "Hey. How are you doing?" I asked as I gave him hug. "Great. You?" Rob asked. "Good." I said.

Rob and I talked some more. "Ow, ow, ow." I said. "What's wrong?" Rob said a bit worried. "In pain. It hurts so much. I can't even move." I said. "Let me get Jack." He said getting out of the room.

Jack's POV:
I was talking to Sladey when Rob walked in. He looked concerned. "Rob is everything ok?" I asked. "Jack can you come with me. Kaylee needs you." He said. I quickly said bye to Henry and walked out of the room with Rob. We got to the room within a minute. "Jack this can't be good." Kaylee said in a worried tone. "I'm taking you to the hospital." I said. We walked out of the building and to the car. I drove to the hospital. I walked up to the desk. "How may I help?" They asked. "My girlfriend is about 2 months pregnant and is experiencing really bad stomach pains." I explained. "A doctor should be right out." They said I sat on a chair next to Kaylee.

Kaylee's POV:
I rested my head on Jacks shoulder. "What if we lose our baby?" I asked him. I was on the verge of tears. "Babe, don't think like that. Think on the positive side, we'll get through this." He said rubbing my side. We waited for a while until the doctor came out. "Kaylee Baxter." The doctor called. We both got up and walked with the doctor into a room. "I see you are experiencing stomach pains while pregnant. I'm going to run some tests." The doctor said. The doctor ran a few tests then walked out of the room to get the results. Jack and I talked over this.

The doctor soon came back in. "Unfortunately, you have had a miscarriage. I'm sorry for the loss." He said then walked out of the room to leave us together. I had a mix of emotions running through me. I cried. "I'm sorry Jack." I said. He rubbed my back. "You don't have to be. We will get through this together." He said. A tear fell down his face.

A/N: Hope you are enjoying the book. I know I update everyday for this book, it might not be for everyday. I'm busy at the moment but I will try to update most of the chapters of my books. Thanks for all the comments. It's really nice of you to do it. Comment below and tell me what you think because I would love to here what you have to say about this book. I might take it in turns to publish a chapter from each one of my books, this is just a thought, it may not actually happened. I love this book! Thanks for the votes. Please tell me what you think. Vote, it would be great if you could. Thanks everyone who has read my other books as well as this one. Don't forget to...

Vote and comment.

-Vicki :-)

P.S. Go check out my other books if you haven't already:

-Our Love Is Strong
-Our Love Is Strong Part 2
-The Coach's Daughter

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