-- Chapter 90 --

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Kaylee's POV:
I woke up and I was somewhere else. I had no clue where I was. I heard Jack's voice. At least I know he's here with me. I open my eyes fully and see Jack, Rob, Henry and a few others. "What's going on?" I managed to say. "Babe. Your ok." Jack said coming over giving me a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. "You passed out in the park so me and Henry took you back here to Sandy Park where Rob was." Jack explained. "Thanks Henry." I said. "Anything for you." He said back smiling. Rob walked in with a cup of water and some biscuits. I thanked him.

Now Brandon is back, I don't feel as safe as I used to be. This is beginning to start all over again. It is what I don't want. I can't deal with it.

Brandon's POV:
Kaylee has fallen into my trap. I now need to get Jack and Henry distracted so I can get to her this time but better. I've been planning this for a while now. It's my revenge and I'm doing it no matter what. She deserves it. They all deserve it. I pick my phone up and ring someone in my contacts who is going to help me or be in on this.

Hello. It's me Brandon! We need to talk.
Brandon. So good to hear from you. I'm up for talking, how may I help?
I need you to help with a plan I have up my sleeve. It's been there a while. I want to start it now so I can get my revenge all done.
Sure I'm up for it. I can help whenever you need it. Give me a call anytime and I will be there. What is this plan of yours?
Unfortunately I can't say it over phone. Meet me on the corner at the end of my road, in 10 minutes and I will tell you then.
Ok. I will meet you there. Shall I bring anything or anyone.
Nothing at all. Just yourself and you only. Bye.

I hung the phone up and left the house. I got to the corner and saw them there. "You're early." I said. "Yeah I am." They said back. We walked down the road further and stopped so I could explain my plan. "Your plan." They said. "Yes. This girl named Kaylee Baxter. I want revenge. I have been trying over these past few months to do it but she has these people who protect her. I want you to distract the two guys called Henry and Jack for me. Then I can proceed with Kaylee. Is that a deal?" I explained. "Yes it is." They said. "Begin tomorrow and wear something that won't show your identity." I said. They nodded and walked off. I walked back to my house. This plan has to work and if it does then i will be happy.

Kaylee's POV:
I don't know what Brandon will do next but I have a feeling it's going to be bad. I get up off the bed and began to walk a bit. I walked around with Jack by my side. "I want you to be safe now. Tomorrow you can come with me or stay in the house." Jack said. "I might come with you." I said. Jack gave me a side hug and I smiled. We walked to Rob's office. "Kaylee, feeling better?" He asked. "Yes I am. Thanks dad." I said. "That's good. I will see you tomorrow then." He said. "Yeah. See you tomorrow." I said waving. Jack and I said bye to the others. I thanked Henry by giving him a hug and saying the words thank you.

We both left and went to Jack's car. He drove home. I got into the house and went straight into the kitchen. I was hungry so I made some food for us to eat. We are it then I went to go have a shower. "Jack I'm in the shower." I shouted from the stairs. "Ok. I will be up in a bit." He replied. I got in the shower and did what I needed to do. I changed into my pyjamas and walked into the bedroom. Jack just got in the bed. I hopped in and snuggled into him. "Goodnight babe." Jack said kissing the top of my head. "Night." I said back. We both soon drifted off to sleep.

A/n: Sorry for the long wait but I updated. Thank you. Comment to tell me what you think. Vote and Comment for more.

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-Vicki 😊

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